Analytical Methods
Analytical Methods
First, we check the graphical plot of the data[pic 1]On checking correlogram at level we find distinct AR(1) signature[pic 2]We conduct Unit root test and find that we cannot reject null hypothesis that there is unit root. Thus the series is non stationary.[pic 3]We check the correlogram at first difference and find that the series becomes white noise process. Hence we cannot de trend and proceed in this way.[pic 4]1st method we proceed with AR(1) process. We find that coefficient of AR(1) is below 1 and significant with p-value of t-statistics (0.000) . We also find the p-value of f-statistics is 0.000, hence the model as a whole is significant and R^2 is a respectable 0.78[pic 5]We check the residual diagnostic -> correlogram Q-statistics and find that the process has been converted to a white noise process. We also note that the Prob values are > 0.05[pic 6]We run static forecast to forecast for last 5 days. 8/9/2008 – 8/14/2008. The MAPE comes out to be 1.54%.[pic 7]We run dynamic forecast and get Mean Absolutute Percentage Error at 1.48%.[pic 8]The residual graph comes out to be [pic 9]Method 2Deseasonalize the data.Series ds=d(sen,0,5)Check correlogram, here we see AR(1) signature and possible MA(1) signature

[pic 10]On conducting unit root test we find that the series has turned into non stationary series, p-value of t-statistics is 0.0005[pic 11]We run the command ls d(sen,0,5) AR(1) MA(1)We find that AR(1) is significant with probability of t-statistics at 0.003, while MA(1) is insignificant.[pic 12]We check the correlogram for residual diagnostics and find that we are getting SMA(5) signature.[pic 13]We run the equation including SMA(5) and find both AR(1) and SMA(5) are significant. Coefficient of AR(1) and SMA(5) are < d(sen,0,5) AR(1) SMA(5)[pic 14]We check the residual correlogram and find that the process has been converted to white noise process, all probability values are > 0.05[pic 15]Next we run static forecast and find that MAPE is 0.83%[pic 16]We run dynamic forecast and find that MAPE is 0.91%[pic 17]We further check RSIDs and note the following plot[pic 18]Method 3Both deseasonalize and detrend the data.series dst=d(sen,1,5)[pic 19]We find distinct SMA(5) signature. We run unit root test and find that the p-value is < 0.05, thus we can reject the null hypothesis that there is a unit root. Hence the data has now become stationary.

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Check Correlogram And P-Value Of T-Statistics. (April 22, 2021). Retrieved from