Direct Marketing – Research Paper – tangs44
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Direct Marketing
[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4]IntroductionDirect marketing is a communication and sales technique that includes a broadcaster a personalized message and incentive to a question of individual or business, with the aim of obtaining an immediate and measurable response. In other words, direct marketing is the one that directly affects the target.Direct marketing is based on two principles:The use of databases to establish personal and differentiated (personalized) contacts between the company and its customers or prospects;The use of any communication technique that has the effect of:To elicit an immediate or short-term responseTo provide the target audience with the means of transmitting this response directly to the companyIn travel sector, use direct marketing may provide a potential substitute for face to face personal selling:Traditionally, travel is offered to customers via travel agencies. In these travel agencies, the client has at his disposal several people who are there to advise him and to guide him to choose the destination that suits him best and at the lowest possible price.However, with the current context and the financial crisis, more and more people are turning to direct marketing, which seems to be a coherent substitute for personal selling.Through this report, we will see the benefits and drawbacks of the tools used for direct marketing in the travel agency sectorThe different tools of direct marketingMailingAdvantagesReduced cost, speed, personalized communication, possibility of argumentation, precise targeting.DisadvantagesTarget fatigue, low return rate (1-3%), one-way communicationUseIt is necessary to study beforehand the needs and behaviours of the prospects, determine the advantages of the proposed product and its price, eventually who will be the person to contact. For travel agencies, it is necessary for example to know the habits of the customers concerning its destinations, what are its preferences The mailing must put forward a response to a need, desire, expectation of the prospect, so that the client feels at once aim by the message, that he feels that it is done for him.

To be effective, the mailing must present a quality product or service, a cleverly thoughtful promotional offer but also use a client file with reliable and exhaustive information for a personalized and nominative mailing.E-mailingAdvantagesUpdating databases: Return of reply coupons filled in online by your customers who are listed on Excel fileStatistics available – number of emailsOpen, number of wrong addresses, listing of unsubscriptionsQuick to set up, very low costsDisadvantagesSaturation due to the amount of advertising messages received daily.Risk of virus.Difficulty passing the anti-spam, anti-advertising barrier.Low life-span of email addresses, much shorter than a physical address. It is strongly recommended not to keep inactive addresses more than three, four monthsUseAs for mailing, e-mailing must be thoughtful and personalized to satisfy the customer by offering him what he expects. E-mailing can be used as soon as a customer places an order for a trip or looks at the website, per his preferences an e-mail is sent to him proposing various offers that may suit himPrints and catalogsAdvantagesPossibility of targeting geographical areas (very broad or very precise), low cost per contact, implementation Value of products (catalogs)DisadvantagesLow rate of return, lack of customization, design, manufacturing and distribution costs for large catalogsUseImpressions and catalogs can be used as newsletters, but can also keep customers informed of a wide range of choices offered by the travel agency. The risk is that the customer does not feel concerned by this pallet, and that it does not even look at its contents.Asylum packagesAdvantagesTargeting of the offer according to the customers order or profile, very low diffusion costDisadvantagesUnsuitable for some products, reduced format limiting argumentation, cost of leasing addresses to the mail order companyUseDirect marketing tool not necessarily adapted to the travel sector. However, it can be useful if the travel agency wants to start distribution operations of gift box or equivalent. Nevertheless, the cost remains high.PhoningAdvantagesIndividualized message, sometimes high return, good targeting, possibility to argue and deal with objections

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(2017, 06). Direct Marketing. Retrieved 06, 2017, from
“Direct Marketing” 06 2017. 2017. 06 2017 < "Direct Marketing.", 06 2017. Web. 06 2017. < "Direct Marketing." 06, 2017. Accessed 06, 2017. Essay Preview By: tangs44 Submitted: June 28, 2017 Essay Length: 1,396 Words / 6 Pages Paper type: Research Paper Views: 437 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Opinions of Pharmaceutical Direct-To Consumer Marketing on College Students INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW Today consumers who watch television programs and read popular magazines are bombarded by drug advertisements which promise to cure a plethora 2,055 Words  |  9 Pages No B.S. Direct Marketing On my first week with Bay Area House Buyers, I was introduced to “No B.S. Direct Marketing,” written by the great author, Dan Kennedy. My 608 Words  |  3 Pages Bt Direct Marketing 1.0 Executive Summary The proposals that we are going to depose are a planning of continuous action in order to confront the challenges, which BT 2,830 Words  |  12 Pages Markets in Financial Instruments Directive Introduction Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) is going to be implemented on November 1st, 2007. MiFID will be introduced to the European Union 1,100 Words  |  5 Pages Similar Topics Marketing Toyota Hybrid Marketing Management Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Direct Marketing And Use Of Databases. (May 31, 2021). Retrieved from