The Quality of Being an Epic Hero – Book/Movie Report – jillharris
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The Quality of Being an Epic Hero
The Quality of Being an Epic Hero
How would you feel if you dad left for 20 years for a war and never returned back home? It tells you about Odysseus on Calypso’s island, Ogygia, in the tenth year after the Trojan War. It also describes the activities of the young suitors In Ithaca, who in the absence of Odysseus, live off his wealth and try to court his wife, Penelope. After the Muse begins his tale, a council of the gods is summoned, during which Zeus decides that Odysseus will return home safely from the urgings of his daughter, Athena, the goddess of war. Athena then visits Telemachus, who is Odysseus son, in disguise and gives him the courage to stand up to the suitors, and also persuades him to go look for news of his father by sailing to the mainland.
Later on Telemachus calls the first assembly of the Ithacans since his father left for Troy. Telemachus formally stand up to the suitors, demanding that they leave his home and his mother alone. Antinoos replies that the suitors will remain until Penelope marries one of them and is angered that she has held out for so long. A pair of eagles is then interpreted as a favorable omen by Halitherses, a seer, and telemachus requests
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(2017, 12). The Quality of Being an Epic Hero. Retrieved 12, 2017, from
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"The Quality of Being an Epic Hero." 12, 2017. Accessed 12, 2017.
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By: jillharris
Submitted: December 10, 2017
Essay Length: 357 Words / 2 Pages
Paper type: Book/Movie Report Views: 277
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