To Apply the Principles of Stoichiometry to a Familiar Reaction and to Review the Use of the Significant Numbers in Calculations – Lab Report – jadaramos

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To Apply the Principles of Stoichiometry to a Familiar Reaction and to Review the Use of the Significant Numbers in Calculations
Jada Ramos
Chemistry Lab
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to apply the principles of stoichiometry to a familiar reaction and to review the use of the significant numbers in calculations.

Prelab Questions:
There are three significant digits in 4.56 g.
(1.56 g Zn)(mol / 65.39 g Zn) = 0.0239 mol Zn
(0.0378 L)(1.50 m HCl / L) = 0.0567 mol HCl
To decant is to pour from one container into another, especially without disturbing the sediment.
Washing, depending upon the substance used to wash, will remove impurities that are soluble in that particular washing substance.
Balanced equation: Zn + 2HCl ⟶ ZnCl2 + H2
0.0239 mol ⬆️ 0.0567 mol ⬆️ ? ?
(0.0567 mol HCl)(½) = 0.0284 mol HCl
(0.0239 mol Zn)(1/1) = 0.0239 mol ZnCl2
Procedures: Part 1
Get your safety goggles.
Get the mass of a dry test tube and put it in the data table.
Add 1.5 g of zinc to the test tube, get the mass, and put it in the data table.
Fill the buret halfway with 2.50 M of HCl. Remove air from buret tip.
Record original buret reading to the nearest 0.1 ml in the data table.
Add 10 or 15 ml of 1.5 M HCl to test tube using the buret. Record the last measurements.
Observe the reaction and record observations.
Put the test tube on rack.
Wash your hands.
Part 2 (next day)
Get safety goggles.
Observe contents in test and record observations.
Pour the liquid into a dry beaker making sure that the zinc stays in the test tube.
Rinse the contents in the test tube three times and pour the liquid into the beaker.
Find the mass of a evaporating dish and watch glass and record the value.
Pour the contents of the beaker into evaporating dish and cover w/ watch glass. Heat the dish with burner to boil away the water. Let cool.
Reweigh evaporating dish and watch glass to determine the mass of the residue.
Heat the test tube and extra zinc until all the water is evaporated.
Cool the test tube.
Measure mass of test tube and zinc and record the data in the table.
Wash hands before leaving laboratory.
Data Table:
Mass of test tube
2) Mass of test tube and zinc
3) Initial reading of 1.50 M HCl
4) Final reading of 1.50 M HCl
5) Mass of test tube and zinc after decanting
6) Mass of evaporating dish and watch
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(2018, 04). To Apply the Principles of Stoichiometry to a Familiar Reaction and to Review the Use of the Significant Numbers in Calculations. Retrieved 04, 2018, from

“To Apply the Principles of Stoichiometry to a Familiar Reaction and to Review the Use of the Significant Numbers in Calculations” 04 2018. 2018. 04 2018 < "To Apply the Principles of Stoichiometry to a Familiar Reaction and to Review the Use of the Significant Numbers in Calculations.", 04 2018. Web. 04 2018. < "To Apply the Principles of Stoichiometry to a Familiar Reaction and to Review the Use of the Significant Numbers in Calculations." 04, 2018. Accessed 04, 2018. Essay Preview By: jadaramos Submitted: April 22, 2018 Essay Length: 768 Words / 4 Pages Paper type: Lab Report Views: 280 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Conformity Is a Four-Letter Word, Ralph Waldo Emerson Review Conformity is a four-letter word "Conformity" is a dirty word to Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is the death of the individual, he says, the enemy 817 Words  |  4 Pages Machiavellian Principles Applied to the Bolshevik Revolution Every defining moment in history can be looked with various opinions. Using Machiavellian principles to examine the most prominent moment in the twentieth century, the 1,128 Words  |  5 Pages Silent Spring Review and Reaction Silent Spring by: Rachel Carson Review: This book was focused on the concern of pesticides that industries, along with us as individuals, have been dumping 738 Words  |  3 Pages Biblical Managers and the Functions of Management - Do Today's Management Principles Apply? Internet Article Review Biblical Managers and the Functions of Management: Do Today's Management Principles Apply? February 24, 2004 Biblical Managers and the Functions of Management: 551 Words  |  3 Pages Similar Topics Cognition Review Investigating Kinetics Reaction Between Iodide Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Purpose Of This Lab And Mass Of A Dry Test Tube. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from