Antigone – Tragic Hero
Antigone – Tragic Hero
In Antigone Creon is the tragic hero. Throughout the story he displays the four tragic hero characteristics. He was a person of high character. Creon was the King of Thebes and he thought he was the most powerful person. Creon didnt think anything could stop him. Pride was Creons downfall. It lead to the loss of many loved ones that were close to him. At the end Creon realized he was wrong. He tried to fix it but couldnt. What makes Creon a tragic hero in the story Antigone?

Since Creon was the King of Thebes he didnt care what others would think or say. Creon thought he was above everyone. Creon immediately made the decision that Polyneices would not be buried even though he was family. He still was a traitor and because of this he would not receive the privilege of being buried. Anyone who did bury him would be killed. Creon shows he doesnt care about anyone when he finds out Antigone buried Polyneices. He tells Antigone, “And yet you dared defy the law”(I. 285). Creon doesnt even care if it is his own relative that bertays him. That person will have to pay for their action of going against the law that he provided.

Creon believes he is a rock and nothing can stand in his way. He thought he was above the gods. He didnt want to believe in Teiresiasis or anything that came out of his mouth. Creon continues to think he is above the gods. To him, nothing can change his will. Not even Teiresiasis, the blind prophet who sees the future, can change his mind. “Whatever you say, you will not change my mind”(V. 299). In this example, Creon is being stubborn. Teiresiasis tells Creon that what he is doing is wrong and the gods will get him back. Creon doesnt believe this and thinks he is just a liar.

The tragic flaw of pride is what over took Creon and made him come to his downfall. Creon thought what he was doing was right. To him it didnt matter that he destroyed his sons future with Antigone. It didnt matter that he was killing his own family. It also didnt make any difference that the gods tried to stop him and would get even with him. Creon thought he was at the top and in control of all. Creon realizes his tragic flaw got the best of him when he says, “Oh it is hard to give in! but it is worse To risk everything for stubborn pride”(Exodos. 300). Creon finally comes to see that power isnt

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