Why I Choose the Investment
1.0 Why I choose the investment.
There are many choices of investment in the market nowadays. For example, there is shares, bonds, mutual funds, unit trust, money market instruments, investment linked funds, Islamic instrument and others. But, I prefer to choose to invest in shares and I will choose to invest in Green Packet Berhad. This is because invest in shares allow me to owning a quality company. Ultimately, owning shares allows me to own a portion of a company (a share). The management team and board of directors effectively work for me, and are there to maximize my wealth. Apart from that, shares have better returns compared to other investments, such as bonds and cash in the bank because the rate in fluctuation and not fixed rates. We also can control shares by ourselves. For example, I can choose to buy or sell the shares at the suitable time according to our brokers advice. I also can apply my knowledge from investment analysis on invest in shares.

I will choose Green Packet Berhad which listed under technology industry for my investment instrument. This is because I believe that technology industry still having lots of opportunity to grow. Malaysia is currently known as a developing country and in the next ten years, Malaysia will turn to be a developed country. Technology is the most important element for bringing Malaysia to a developed country. Then, the wireless coverage in Malaysia is still not enough if compare with other developed country. So, to turn Malaysia into a developed country, technology industry still need to be improving and developed. So, I believe that Green Packet Berhad which under technology industry still have the opportunity to growth.

There are only two companies in the market which provide home wireless which is Streamyx and P1 Wimax. P1 Wimax is the wholly owned subsidiary from Green Packet Berhad. Due to the company is still new in the market, so the concept from the management company is still creative. For example, we can

see the “potong” advertisement from P1 Wimax. In my opinion, due to the home wireless coverage is still not enough to cover consumers ability, I think that Green Packet Berhad still have the ability to grow. In Malaysia, people who using home wireless is still less than total population which is only 20% only. You can imagine the spaces of growth to the home wireless in next ten year are

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Technology Industry And Quality Company. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/technology-industry-and-quality-company-essay/