Individual Reflection
Positive Aspects
Working in team is one of the best parts of Accounting Theory to provide a professional report for Cleanspace Ltd. As a member of my team, I feel so lucky when working with my teammates who are very good at studying and doing assignments. We all know each other and that brings us team coordination. We study together, we do assignment together and we share accounting theory knowledge together. In my opinion, I think this is one of the good points of teamwork. Besides, when we search the information for the group assignment, we can send to other members the information involved to their assigned tasks while doing our parts. That saves lots of time and increases our team spirit. Furthermore, we have a very nice leader Toan who divided the teamwork perfectly. He based on our schedule and tries to form smaller teams in order to split out the tasks. At this point he is successful because we can not only perform our part well but can help other teammates.

After choosing Japan as the based country, we start to research and have 6 meetings as required by the assignment. In every meeting, we present our parts and give out opinions. This gives us an advantage that other members can view what you are actually perform and give you feedbacks which help you improve yourself. We have nice members but they are also professional in giving opinions. Like when Tien, one of my teammates who is responsible for accounting history of Japan presents his part, Toan said that was too long and asked him to short it. On the other hand, Phuong and I agreed that Tien’s part gave us more information about Japan which could help later on. We all have many discussions and each member does not hesitate to ask questions or giving out their remarks. This positive aspect brings us ability to cover our performance and knowledge about accounting theory.

Negative Aspects
The only disadvantage when working in our team is that there are some members like Phuong and I do not have technical method to participate online. As required in the assignment, the last minute of meeting asks us to shoot a picture of online discussion through some technical devices or web-based services. Actually the only method Phuong and I use so far is rmit-gmail, however, we do fix our weakness with Toan’s help by creating new accounts to Facebook which then I know as a social network. Therefore, 2 of us can successfully discuss on Facebook and then take a picture of it. In addition to this, Toan has widened our knowledge by presenting many advantages about social networks and many many things not-really-relevant to our assignment. But thanks to that, we did have a great time together!

Individual Contributions
My personal part is “The Influences of legal system” which was

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Member Of My Team And Best Parts Of Accounting Theory. (June 10, 2021). Retrieved from