Travel Diary the New Land
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Travel Diary
The New Land
November 29, 1633
I am packing my stuff to leave with my family on a big ship called the Ark to a new land. I really dont want to leave England and all my friends. Anyway, I dont think some people will survive the trip across the ocean. The adventure is about to begin.

December 2, 1633
Its been three days since we set sail and my feet are killing me from the rough floors of the ship. The winds blow strong and the ship rocks so much. The ship is really big and we have a lot of people traveling with us. Its wet, cold and uncomfortable and we have no privacy. I want to go home.

December 5, 1633
The families that have money are lucky. They have a nice, warm cabin and some of them even have servants with them. We get nothing special like that. We have a spot to sleep on the floor inside the ship. Some people are very sick from being wet and cold. Other people are sick from the ship rocking so much. I am not sick but I cannot wait for this journey to be over.

December 15, 1633
A storm has hit. The winds are so loud and fast. Waves crashed against the ship really hard and everyone is so scared. I got splashed by a high wave that soaked me to my skin. I feel like I will never be dry or warm ever again.

December 31, 1633
I never wanted to be here on this ship and I feel like we will never get to our new home. Another storm hit today and I am scared of the big waves. The storm is so bad that I think the ship might sink. The wind is blowing so hard that I think we will be blown out to sea forever. I am worried we will get lost. I do not like the ship rocking all the time.

January 21, 1634
Weve been on our journey for three months now. I am finally use to the ship and it rocking all the time. I smell so bad and so does everyone else. Its been a long trip and Im bored. The food is nasty too. A lot of people have gotten sick and some of them have even died.

February 20, 1634
It doesnt smell so good on this ship. It smells like the sea and dirty people. We cannot take a bath because we need drinking water. A lot of people are sleeping in the same area and water comes in and makes our blankets wet. It isnt as cold now and I am happy about that.

March 8, 1634
I think we are almost to the new land. I am so excited to see land and I wonder what it will look like. I heard that I might get to meet new people

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Big Ship And Lot Of People. (June 11, 2021). Retrieved from