Globalmed Telemedicine Rio Olympics Project – Case Study – Aditya Lapu Kalua
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Globalmed Telemedicine Rio Olympics Project
Stakeholder AnalysisStudent Name(s):GlobalMed Telemedicine Rio Olympics ProjectStakeholderRole on projectUnique factsLevel of interestLevel of influenceExpectationsSuggestions on managing relationshipManoel CoelhoDirector of Global Business Developmentat GlobalMedLeader of the projectHigh HighHighMeeting with leaders of company to get support and trust.Managing good communication with the external organizations.Incentives for team. CustomerClinicianPhysicianAthleticsUrgent CareRecognize the device The end user of the deviceHigh LowLowGetting the contact information. Dr. Antonio Carlos MarttosFellow Brazilian and world-renowned expertConsultantHighMediumMedium Studying the market more deeply.Contacting with the leader of the project.Joel E. BarthelemyFounder of GM and CEO of the GMDecision maker and supporting financiallyHighHighHighEncouraging and supporting the team. Frequently meeting with the leader of the projectAngel InvestorsInvestors-HighMediumHighDetelina TrendafilovaDirector of International BusinessMarket research HighHighHighProviding all required documents for the leader of the project.GM EmployeesWorkingFollowing the leader’s structuresHighHighHighReporting any issues.Increasing the collaboration between each otherBrad SchmidtDirector of Strategic AccountsPlayed a central integrating role in coordinating efforts across departments for major initiativesHighHighHighMeeting with leaders frequently. The telemedicine industry–LowLowLow-GlobalMed executivesResponsible for the company-HighHighHighCommunicating with the leader and CEO. Alliance PartnersHPLifesizeMicrosoftAvayaCisco PolycomOffered some of the physical components-High MediumMediumProviding any extra assistantship.Increasing quality of customer services. Giving guarantee.Neal Schoenback Director, North American Business Development,Mirrored the growth strategy that had worked well in theU.S. marketHighHighHighMeeting with the leader and CEO.Providing any assistance for the project.Sales relationshipU.S. VeteransAdministration (VA),The Telestroke programThe U.S. Corrections System,Seles the device to the physiciansand the clinics -MediumMediumMediumGiving suggestion for the improvement of the product. Michael Harris.R&D team leaderHighHighHighAshley DroegeThe Product Management group leaderHighHighHighThe Brazilian and International OlympicCommittees.HighHighHighOlympic:VisitorsAthletesInjured playersOrganizersThe healthcare system in BrazilThe Brazilian MarketMain goal of the project to attract themHighHighMediumANVISA (AgĂŞncia Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária), Imposed significant regulatory barriers for medical devices.HighHighHighCompetitorsHighLowLow

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(2018, 09). Globalmed Telemedicine Rio Olympics Project. Retrieved 09, 2018, from
“Globalmed Telemedicine Rio Olympics Project” 09 2018. 2018. 09 2018 < "Globalmed Telemedicine Rio Olympics Project.", 09 2018. Web. 09 2018. < "Globalmed Telemedicine Rio Olympics Project." 09, 2018. Accessed 09, 2018. Essay Preview By: Aditya Lapu Kalua Submitted: September 9, 2018 Essay Length: 309 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 349 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays The Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project On Monday July 16th, 1945, a countdown for the detonation of the first atomic bomb took place near Los Alamos, New Mexico. 1,763 Words  |  8 Pages Manhatton Project The Manhattan Project On the morning of August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay flew over the industrial city of Hiroshima, Japan and 1,658 Words  |  7 Pages The Economic Impact of the Olympic Games The Economic Impact of the Olympic Games With the Olympic games being held in Sydney this year, I wondered if perhaps the performance of the 1,125 Words  |  5 Pages The Economic Impact of the Olympic Games The Economic Impact of the Olympic Games With the Olympic games being held in Sydney this year, I wondered if perhaps the performance of the 1,125 Words  |  5 Pages Similar Topics Marketing Project Plan Bead Bar Systems Development Project Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Telemedicine Rio Olympics Project And Globalmed Telemedicine Rio Olympics Projectstakeholderrole. (June 12, 2021). Retrieved from