History of the Decleration of Independence
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he History OF The Declaration Of Independence
The Declaration of Independence, adopted by Americas Congress on July 4, 1776, is a document treasured by all true patriots. Its a symbol of the beginnings of freedom for the United States, and overcame many obstacles to become an official, accepted document.

The Movement to Freedom
The Declaration was preceded by another document called the Lee Resolution, which was a similar call to completle independence from British influence and control. The Lee Resolution was presented by Richard Henry Lee on June 7, 1776, but was postponed due to the fact that there were still some delegates who felt that reconciliation with Britain was a possibility.

Congress took a three-week recess, and the debate appeared to be in favor of adopting the Lee Resolution. Before this recess of Congress, a Committee of Five had been appointed to make a case to the colonies and try to gain support in favor of independence.

The Committee of Five
This committee consisted of men by the names of Benjamin Franklin from Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston from New York, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, John Adams of Massachusetts, and Roger

Sherman of Connecticut. Their goal was to draft an official document stating the case for freedom, which would be presented to Congress.
The Writing of the Declaration
The first Declaration draft was written by Thomas Jefferson, with corrections inserted by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. Once a fair draft was complete, it was submitted to the entire committee,

and then to Congress.

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Americas Congress And History Of The Declaration Of Independence. (June 12, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/americas-congress-and-history-of-the-declaration-of-independence-essay/