Money and Happiness
Essay Preview: Money and Happiness
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In our society, people often put great emphasis on materials and possessions. Many believe that having more money would make them happier in life; but does money really provide true happiness? Having the money to provide food, clothing, and shelter is essential for everyones well-being and happiness, but after those basic needs are fulfilled more money just offers materials not necessarily happiness. According to D.H. Lawrence, author of “The Rocking Horse Winner,” money provides everything but happiness. In “The Rocking Horse Winner,” Lawrence portrays a young boy named Paul who tries to win his mothers love by gambling for money. Pauls mother is very materialistic and solely relies on money for happiness. The theme of Lawrences story demonstrates how the love of money can be destructive. Today research explains that having more money does not necessarily provide happiness.

People believe if they had more money it would make them happier. Certainly having more money can make things easier at times, but it cannot take away all worries in life. Research has been done that money does not do anything to make people happier once they have their basic needs covered. Its an illusion to think a celebrity or rich businessman is happier than the average family man or woman. It is crazy to believe that money can reduce stress and worry because most people want to live slightly above their current means and stress about bills, belongings, health regardless the amount of income. For example one study stated, “People report needing 40 percent more to reach a level they consider sufficient. If you earn $50,000 per year, youll “need” $70,000. But if you get a raise and make $70,000, youll soon “need” about $98,000. The more you have, the more you find you need” (Brooks).

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D.H. Lawrence And Rocking Horse Winner. (June 12, 2021). Retrieved from