Essay Analysis Paper
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Essay Analysis Paper
University of Phoenix
The essence of an essay is not so much about the weight of its contents but how it captures the reader at the same time. As stated in lectures and course works, how essayists shape their work through artistic ability and intent using many of the licenses bestowed on him or her from endless imaginative possibilities, and limitations to existing choices (used or not, popular or otherwise), through comparisons or contrasts, details, description, and always the connectivity with the reader.

Bookrags (2006) presented six steps to analyzing an essay as follows:
“Read the essay several times
Discuss with a teacher or peers
Tear apart the structure
Research the structure
Write an outline, and finally,
Write the analysis.”
“Virtual Romance” is a narration of a romance-gone-bonk between a good-looking and young techno-savvy guy and a techno-writer who met in a conference or an event about technologies in the communication and computer industries.

The storyteller (which is not directly or necessarily the author per se) is the writer who was not really “into” technology and the people in its circuit. She was like a fly-in-the-wall that simple reports and writes about product launchings, personality profiles, and events that surround the Silicon valleys all over cities across continents.

The story had it that she met the young tech guy, they hit it off because he was such a non-geek and weird in a sense that he was a gentleman, never pushy, but oh-so-tech-savvy she melted like cheese on an oven-fresh pizza bread arms of his. Their story runs through various technology products and evolutions from tape recorder, to fax machines until the advent of electronic mail as if it was some length of years. It was not. Looked like just a few weeks to me, which has become the tech trend anyway, for cyber love affairs.

Borsooks (2006) essay is also considered as fiction. In fact, it was listed as “fiction” in her website. It was a romantic short story in a way. A tragic love story another way as the characters went separate ways and the ending did not so much talk about the lead female, and the storytellers “bounced back” situation.

Nevertheless, this piece of work is also considered an essay as there was a first-person narrator of (her) own thoughts, interpretations of events and discussions, as well as other aspects that makes an essay, as essay is defined “A

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Virtual Romance And Narration Of A Romance-Gone-Bonk. (June 13, 2021). Retrieved from