Horizontal Integration
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The acquisition of additional business activities at the same level of the value chain is referred to as horizontal integration. This form of expansion contrasts with vertical integration by which the firm expands into upstream or downstream activities. Horizontal growth can be achieved by internal expansion or by external expansion through mergers and acquisitions of firms offering similar products and services. A firm may diversify by growing horizontally into unrelated businesses.

Some examples of horizontal integration include:
The Standard Oil Companys acquisition of 40 refineries.
An automobile manufacturers acquisition of a sport utility vehicle manufacturer.
A media companys ownership of radio, television, newspapers, books, and magazines.
Advantages of Horizontal Integration
The following are some benefits sought by firms that horizontally integrate:
Economies of scale – achieved
by selling more of the same product, for example, by geographic expansion.
Economies of scope – achieved by sharing resources common to different products. Commonly referred to as “synergies.”
Increased market power (over suppliers and downstream channel members)
Reduction in the cost of international trade by operating factories in foreign markets.
Sometimes benefits can be gained through customer perceptions of linkages between products. For example, in some cases synergy can be achieved by using the same brand name to promote multiple products. However, such

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Acquisition Of Additional Business Activities And Form Of Expansion Contrasts. (June 13, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/acquisition-of-additional-business-activities-and-form-of-expansion-contrasts-essay/