Chinese Fireworks
In the light of all articles and content I have studied in course of Managing Development in Organization, I believe that this class has developed their selves in various aspects. One of the major improvements of the class is ADAPTIVITY. The class is now capable of working in a dynamic environment. Every student of the class was supposed to work with cross-functional teams. The environment was so unpredictable that no one knew whether they going to work with the same group or not.

As we have studied in the articles about building teams, we created cohesiveness among our team member through ice breaking and through personal intimation. The whole class was bound to meet apart from their regular schedule which created good relations between every team member.

Further the class has also developed an ability to create effectiveness in their work. Initially they were not preparing the concerned topic before coming to the class, but as per resource person’s direction the class was supposed to bring articles related to the topic which was to be discussed. Through this policy students prepare every topic which results as increase in the effectiveness of work and studies.

There are a few aspects where the class still needs to improve. One of these aspects includes professionalism. The class must develop a professional attitude with each other and also towards course. Formal dressing, active and positive class participation and punctuality includes in professionalism.

Another aspect where the class lacks is reading capabilities. They need to develop their browsing speed of any article or develop the habit to skim any given case study. This weakness can be overcome by reading different article on daily basis.

In brief, the class has improved by taking the course of Managing Development in organization in different aspects. There is a hug potential however a little more effort in the weak areas are required in order to perform more efficiently

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Major Improvements Of The Class And Policy Students. (June 15, 2021). Retrieved from