Most Popular Pastry in the Philippines, the Malunggay Pandesal
Table of ContentsI.        Introduction/Purpose of Study        3II. Economic concern        4a.        History/background        4III.        SWOT ANALYSIS        5IV.        Marketing aspect        6a.        Product introduction        6b.        Current market status        9c.        Direct product conception        10i.        Raw materials        10ii.        Directions        11iii.        Location        14V.        Management Aspect        16a. Organizational Chart        16b.        Business Location        16c.        Manpower Requirement        18i.        Qualifications        18ii.        Important Qualities        19d.        Government Agency Support/Requirements        19VI.        Financial Aspect        23a.        Investment Cost Analysis        23i.        Prices of Raw Materials        23ii.        Prices Of Machineries        23iii.        Employee Salaries        23b.        Time table for production        24c.        Return of investment        26VII.        Socio economic        27a.        Benefits of the consumer        27b.        Benefits of the producer        27c.        Benefits of the country        28Introduction/Purpose of StudyThe purpose of this research is to know about the one of the most popular pastry in the Philippines, the malunggay pandesal.  This study aims to know if this product can become popular to other countries and to make sure that the product will have a benefit for the producers, consumers and the country. This pandesal is not only famous for its taste but also for its healthy flavor that includes moringa leaves or what we call “malunggay” which is known for having lots of health benefits. One of the best store that offers malunggay pandesal is Pan de Manila If there’s such a thing as a national bread then it’s pandesal for the Philippines. Pandesal is the most popular bread in the Philippines that It can be found in any corner bakery to specialty chains like Pan de Manila.  A lot of people are saying that they have no hesitations eating malunggay pandesal because it tastes delicious while at the same time, it is also healthy. The malunggay content, coming off more in an enticing green fragrance than in actual herby taste. The researchers made a SWOT Analysis for this research to identify the product’s strength and opportunities that can make the product popular not only in the Philippines but on the other country as well and to identify the weaknesses and threats that may hinder it from getting known outside the country. The researchers need to know the economic problem of this product for the researchers to have knowledge and understanding about the product and find a better solution for it. Researchers will also find the government agencies support that are related to the product and for the trading. The research will make sure that the target countries will get the best benefits that they need and the Countries that are chosen are the places that in need of the nutrients of the moringa leaves and those countries that are looking for something new, delicious pastry and healthy at the same time.

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Product Introduction        6B And Benefits Of The Country        28Introduction. (June 15, 2021). Retrieved from