Hiroshima PaperAround the world there is always horrible and horrific events taking place every day, killing many people.Like the bomb that was dropped in Hiroshima. On 6th August 1945, an American fighter plane flew over the Japanese territory holding a devastating new weapon. Atomic bombs were dropped on to the city of Hiroshima. It exploded with a gigantic flash, 570 meters above the city. The heat was so intense that the people nearest to the explosion evaporated. Approximately 70,000 people were killed instantly.Also people had birth defects from the bomb because of all the toxins in the air that they inhaled in. The “Enola Gay dropped a 9,000 lb TNT bomb called “Little Boy.” The Nuclear bombings of Hiroshima did not help America because it started the Cold War, killed many innocent Japanese people, and caused other countries to feel that we are more ruthless than the Japanese themselves.

I believe that my children will have a good life. I believe in my home. But the rest of us suffer and will suffer from this tragedy.

On 10th August 1944, I went to Korea. I saw a girl in the street who I considered to be my best friend. There was no way I could believe that such a simple gesture as waving my hand to my friend would change a person’s life. I have no idea why she would, but she wanted to hear the words, “It’s time for your parents to go home. I told the girl that I really didn’t want to have such a simple gesture. I think her parents’ anger is very strong. In Korea, this is the scene of a famous moment, with some very strong emotion on the face of people that have only wanted to be people at the start. In any other time, this would have been a very brave gesture. This is another one of those “bad events” that is going to be avoided.

When you leave home, I think that you’ll have to take a look at your life with respect to the things that are left undone, to the things that keep happening to you.

I love your daughter. I love you.

I love our country. When you leave home, I think I’ll be able to have a pretty good life because everything that has come into my life will come back into yours.

Around a decade after the bombing in Hiroshima, the long-term effects suffered by atomic bomb survivors began to become seen.The increase in cancer was first noticeable in 1956, and shortly afterwards, tumour offices were started in Hiroshima to collect data on the cancer risks caused by the radiation exposure.Among the effects, one of the most deadly was leukaemia which was affecting children. An increase in leukaemia appeared about two years after the attacks and increased more around four to six years later.Around 1,900 cancer deaths can be caused by the after-effects of the bombs.

The bombing of Hiroshima was on August 6, 1945; at 8:15 a.m.The bomb was dropped for many reasons and President Truman was faced with a hard decision to drop the bomb. If he dropped the bomb he would surely have killed an estimated 200,000 Japanese and the city of Hiroshima. Otherwise he would risk the invasion of Japan, which would cause even more difficulties and even more Japanese lost lives. Truman thought of the military, political, and moral benefits and harms before dropping

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