Contingent Existence
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“Why is there something rather than  nothing?” Indeed, the universe and everything in it, including us does not need to exist at all. We only exist because there is a higher being who decided to create us and place us in this marvelous universe. Everything that exist has an explanation of its existence, whether in the necessity of its nature or some external factor, as stated in the video. I agree that the reason and the explanation of our existence is God because everything originated in Him. We would not be who we are and we will not be where we are if not because of God. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the beginning of everything. The universe and everything in it exist contingently. Our existence is caused by something else. In contrast, Gods existence does not depend on anything. His existence is not contingent to some variables.  God exist because of the necessity of His nature. Thus, God can not not exist.      I have asked myself a few times about my existence and the existence of the universe. I have always been so curious about the origin of the universe. It always astonish me how wonderfully everything was made and how perfectly each other fit and came to be. There are many theories trying to shed light to the question as to where does the world came from or where it really originated. There are some who claim that the universe is a product of a massive dust coming together and there are also some people who believe that the universe has always existed. However, what appeals to me most is the claim that we are created by a powerful being named God. I do not agree that we are just a product of some explosions in space because it could not have possibly created a beautiful place like this. Everything seems to be a piece of art, carefully crafted by a divine creator.      Maybe some people might  consider the thought that God is the explanation  of everything as illogical and unreasonable because it can not be proven using scientific methods and processes. However, personally I strongly believe that Science can not give answer to our every question and not all questions can be answered by Science. Science has a limitation and even Albert Einstein, some scientist and some atheist admit that there must be something behind every phenomena and that something is beyond our human intellect. The existence of the universe and everything in it is caused by the extremely powerful, uncaused, necessarily existing, non-contingent, non-physical, immaterial and eternal being.

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Product Of A Massive Dust And Explanation Of Its Existence. (June 17, 2021). Retrieved from