Description of Man Exercise
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Visual Exercise
The doors slowly slided together, and at the last second a man slithered through. With a lurch the train began off, and the man calmly walked over to a vacant seat, inspected its state, and then once satisfied sat down.

Curious as ever, my gaze shifted towards this figure. I watched as he lifted up his hand to shape his neat hair. This hand spent about a minute sorting out his whole face before coming back down and reaching for a newspaper. Then the man proceeded to thoroughly scan the paper, though it seemed he never quite finished any article, resulting in his eyes skipping too and fro, though I noticed the eyes did not spray about erratically, but moved smoothly with precision and ease. Perhaps he too was to curious to just dwell on one topic. Then, as to stump my previous assumption, he settled down into whatever article it was, and that was enough for him.

As the journey went on I could not help myself but to keep glancing in his direction. Who was he? Where was he going? Finally I could not help myself anymore. After a closer seat had become available I promptly stood up and walked straight over there. He noticed my move and looked up, giving me a wink and a short smile. Then he became buried in the paper once again. I wracked my brain trying to conjure up a way to catch his attention, start a conversation.

“Ugh.. The weather seems to be so unpredictable these days..” I stuttered. He looked up again and sent me a reassuring smile.
“That seems to be the case.” He remarked with a smirk. “Are you from these parts?”
“No,” I answered, “I’m studying here, at the university.”
“Ah.” Said he.

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Vacant Seat And Closer Seat. (June 19, 2021). Retrieved from