The Internet Will Be the Potential Factor to Be Gambling Addicted Among the Youth – Creative Writing – Regina Ng
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The Internet Will Be the Potential Factor to Be Gambling Addicted Among the Youth
The Internet will be the potential factor to be gambling addicted among the youth Nowadays, gambling can be one of the entertainment way for young people. The internet exposes young people to gambling well. Young people can get the information easily through the Internet and play the online gambling. Therefore, according the study “Ten-year trend analysis on the prevention of teenage addiction gambling questionnaire” from Bosco Youth Service Network, there was almost nearly 26% young people (13-21 ages) have already affected their daily lives. The study also mentioned the number of young people participated in online gambling and football betting have been increasing.Young people can get the gambling information through the Internet such as the football betting analysis. Although the policy that government prohibit the casino concessions to share the gambling messages and online betting, people still can play other casino games through the online which needn’t follow the law. Moreover, the Internet also provide some “sure win” tips for winning the casino games or football betting through the social post. When they are betting on the football games to support their favourite football team as well as to get the extra money. As the result, young people will become more and more risky to be gambling addicted when they receive the wrong messages from the Internet.

Young people can’t manage the risk and uncertainty about the gambling very well or the low self-control abilities in order to be the gambling addicted.Young people can’t control themselves and analyse the risk clearly. While 23 and 24-year-olds are just beginning to use their fully matured brains to evaluate emotions and make decisions, children and teenagers aren’t prepared to balance emotion and logic to make healthy choices. They’re not prepared to consider all the consequences of any one decision. Furthermore, being in a good mood leads to increased gambling. Therefore, they are more likely to act impulsively and take risks when they are gamblingYoung people would treat gambling as the entertainment or just for “fun”. They are attuned to its positive consequences (e.g., pleasure and excitement, peer approval, relaxation.) (Moore & Gullone, 1996). Brain imaging studies show that any kind of gambling win activates the reward-circuit in the brain, releases dopamine, and make people feel good. Their activities that could be thought of as “rewarding”.Growth of Internet such as the advertisement of the Apps, a social post about the gambling or a mock casino website can provide lots of chance to young people to try gambling, even being addicted. However, government, school and parents should restricted those information, teach them the right concept about gambling or care those young people when realize the symptoms of being addicted about gambling. Therefore, young people can prevent to be the problem gamblers who will ruin their lives.

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(2018, 10). The Internet Will Be the Potential Factor to Be Gambling Addicted Among the Youth. Retrieved 10, 2018, from
“The Internet Will Be the Potential Factor to Be Gambling Addicted Among the Youth” 10 2018. 2018. 10 2018 < "The Internet Will Be the Potential Factor to Be Gambling Addicted Among the Youth.", 10 2018. Web. 10 2018. < "The Internet Will Be the Potential Factor to Be Gambling Addicted Among the Youth." 10, 2018. Accessed 10, 2018. Essay Preview By: Regina Ng Submitted: October 4, 2018 Essay Length: 533 Words / 3 Pages Paper type: Creative Writing Views: 278 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Internet Addiction The internet was created in the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union, during The Cold War. Today the internet is known 856 Words  |  4 Pages Case Study Iv: Internet Gambling Running head: CASE STUDY IV: INTERNET GAMBLING CASE STUDY IV: Internet Gambling May 6, 2006 This document will inform you about the history of internet 1,442 Words  |  6 Pages Internet Gambling Being awaken every morning at 7:00 am by creditors wanting their money may be one of the most depressing experiences. If the U.S. congress passes 2,937 Words  |  12 Pages Internet Gambling Internet Gambling Internet gambling represents one of the fastest growing segments of online activities with hundreds of websites providing users the opportunity to place bets 674 Words  |  3 Pages Similar Topics What economic and social factors should Fresh Fields managers watch Internet Piracy Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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