Experiences of Students in a Male-Dominated Classroom: It’s Relation to Their School Performance
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[pic 1] [pic 2][pic 3] EXPERIENCES OF STUDENTS IN A MALE-DOMINATED CLASSROOM: IT’S RELATION TO THEIR SCHOOL PERFORMANCEAndrevon Gargar GalonAngelo AnunciadoApril Mae TabancuraCynle GabunilasDezy Meya BusanoEldie Rey TemonIvy PerezSeth James Busano MendezIn partial fulfilment of the requirementsFor Senior High School CurriculumMS. KAREN G. ESTAREJATHESIS ADVISERACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe researchers extend a delightful acknowledgement to the person who helped In the completion of this study. To our parents and friends who helped us by providing us with financial and moral support in making the process of this research.To Ma’am Karen G. Estareja, our Practical Research Teacher For undying support in making this research reaches the compilation. To the Grade 11 DIA 1 and 2 students of the University of bohol Tgbilaran City, who’s willingly participated as a respondents for this study who truthfully answered the statement questions. To the researchers, who supported each other and endlessly spend their time to accomplish this research. Lastly, to the Almighty God for the guidance and for the fighting spirit which he had given to the researchers to conduct this research.The ResearchersDEDICATIONABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTSPageTITLE PAGE IABSTRACT II DEDICATION IIIACKNOWLAEDGEMENT IVTABLE OF CONTENTS VLIST OF TABLES VICHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONBACKGROUND OF THE STUDYPROBLEM STEMENT SCOPE AND LIMITATION SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
RELATED REVIEW OF LITERATURERESEARCH METHODOLOGYDIFINITION OF TERMSCHAPTER 2PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATACHQPTER 3SUMMARY OF FINDINGSCONCLISIONRECOMMENDATIONAPPENDICESREFERENCESCURRICULUM VITAEINTRODUCTION:Background of the studyThis research is a qualitative study of females currently enrolled in the senior high school department in University of Bohol, Tagbilaran City. The girls included in this study are those being influenced in their state of emotion and behaviour for spending most of their time and school days in a male-dominated setting, often times of being one of those only few females in their academic classes. We came to this study to know the effects in such said minority have on the females ‘academic performance’, school’s profile and also on the development of their socialization skills towards others. The study would also look on the females’ psychological state specifically on the themes that may emerge on their thoughts, feelings and experiences regarding to their consciousness for being in a classroom where male dominance is present. The intended research is served to explore what effects this trend has on females’ overall attitude and character specifically towards their actions done inside the campus. This may have relevance for future researches. This study also describes their experiences in a manner that would be beneficial to others. Finally, the research aims to understand the female student’s sides when they are in the minority, which they may feel inhibited to freely communicate their needs, thoughts, and aspirations which focuses on connections of gender equality inside a male-dominated classroom through getting the perceptions of the female students as the participants and greatest beneficiaries of the study. The result and findings of this study will contribute to the awareness on matters regarding gender differences and its impact especially on the affected one’s study. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThis study is being conducted with the purpose to determine the relations of male dominance in a classroom to students’ school performance and behaviour. Specifically, this study aims to give response to the following questions:What is the impact of the phenomenon of being in such a minority have on females’ academic performance? What is their behaviour during lectures knowing there are lots of boys than them?Does the male tends to be dependent or vice versa?What are the possible effect of this experiences have on the development of their socialization skills?What they would do if they cannot relate to men?Do females get rid of the males when they are in contact with them?Did it alter their circle of friends?What themes may emerge from the girls’ thoughts, feelings and experiences about their consciousness of being one of those few girls in a male dominated classroom?3.1. Would they be comfortable when men is dominant than them, women?3.2. What do they feel knowing that they are being surrounded by men?SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The research aims to know more about the contribution and impact of gender differences on the student especially in the case where the number of males are more than their gender counterpart which is the female. It would benefit the: students, teachers, and the researchers.