Historical Criticism
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Historical Criticism
Attempts to discover what the evangelists really wanted to say when they wrote a particular text.
This is called the literal sense of the text, the determination of what biblical authors intended and conveyed by what they wrote, drawing on knowledge of ancient languages, dating techniques, customs, traditions, archaeology, and the like.
Historical research determines the probability that what the Gospels report about Jesus and his teachings can be directly traced to him.
Linguistic Analysis- Jesus spoke Aramaic
Originality (criterion of dissimilarity)- argument goes if a particular saying of Jesus was also common with Judaism of his day, or resembles the early Christian beliefs (calls God Abba or papa) (amen) Jesus is the “head of the body, the Church” The Church is called the brie of Christ
Convergence- If texts do not rely on each other or do not have the same source you can they are authentic
Consistency- If a saying or action “hangs together” with the whole body of Jesus teaching or actions. Then you can make a good case that it is traceable to Jesus
Form Criticism
Form Criticism focuses of literary differences.
It also studies how these different literary units took on their particular shape during the period of oral tradition.
It helps us read the Gospel intelligently.
Two literary forms are historical narrative and parable.
Miracle Story: healing or exorcism – introduction, request for help, Gods intervention, result, reaction (healing of Peters mother)
Miracle Story: natural miracle- a powerful sign that shows Jesus mastery over the elements (Where is your faith? When he stopped the waves on the stormy sea)
Parable- a vivid short story told to covey religious truth, usually with a surprise ending (leavened bread)
Riddle- a question or statement that teases the mind; it requires thought and application (Amen, I say to you John the Baptist)
Pronouncement story- a passage whose purpose it set up an important saying of Jesus (Jesus heals on the Sabbath)
Hyperbole- a deliberately exaggerated saying to highlight the topic under discussion (cut off a sinnning hand or foot)
Controversy- Jesus confronts his opponents (repay to Caesar what belongs to him)
Hymn/Prayer- used in early liturgies and incorporated into the Gospels (Word was with God)
Revelation discourse (unique to Johns Gospels) which Jesus reveals his identity and demands a decision
Jesus of Nazareth
The knowing Jesus accepting him into our lives through the grace and interior help of the Holy Spirit
Palestine: The Holy Land
The Holy Land at the time of Jesus is described in its geography, major regions, and prominent cities
Language and dialect of Jesus Time
Jesus spoke Aramaic. The language, along with Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, helps us to appreciate certain aspects of the New Testament in richer context
Religious feasts and Practices of Jesus Time
The role of the Temple, the place of the synagogue, along with the Passover and other Jewish religion feasts make up a key part of Jesus life
The political climate in First-Century Palestine
Events like the Maccabean Revolt, rulers like Herod, and requirements under Roman Law like paying taxes contributed to the life and ministry of Jesus
Jewish Beliefs and Practices
The New Testament is deeply rooted in the Jewish people, the religious beliefs, practices, affiliations, and expectations for a Messiah
Religious sects in Jesus Time
The Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, and Zealots were four important religious sects that were viable during New Testament times
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