Compounds Having the Same Molucular – Study Guide – Harshavardhanreddy YakkantiSearchEssaysSign upSign inContact usTweetIndex/MiscellaneousCompounds Having the Same MolucularCLASS ASSIGNMENTIT INTEGRATIONManoj NareddulaSandeep Kumar VasamDATA WAREHOUSING: It’s a storage of large data which collect from wide range of sources within a company and used to guide management systems. It’s also Known as Enterprise Date warehouse system which generally uses for the reports and any data analysis. In this system, which stores the current and historical data that are used for creating the analytical reports for the employees who is working throughout the enterprise. Examples of these reports may be range from annual and quarterly comparisons in detail for the sales analysis.What is the system used about?A Data Warehouse is a storage of large data from multiple information sources and transformed them into multidimensional data model for efficient analysis. Software Tools of Data Warehouse:QlikView: It’s the most flexible Business Intelligence platform for transferring the data into the knowledge. This tool is used in almost 24,000 organizations worldwide to enable their users to search, visually analyze all their important data for the business insight using the QlikView’s tool.
This uses in fast decision making when having the correct information available and also easy accessible. QlikView can also promotes the unrestricted analysis of application data, and helps users to save time for accurate decisions. The Associative Search is Good in QlikView. This search gives users the freedom to start and finish them analyzes anywhere. Features of QlikView: Does not requires any high cost of Hardware.Fast and Powerful visualization capabilitiesLow cost-shorter implementations result in cost saving and fast returns on the investment. Risk free- available as a fully functional free trail download. ETL (Extraction transformation loading): is a process in data warehousing responsible for transforming the data out from source systems and storing into a data warehouse.
- Description: Qt View allows users to quickly see their work in the background by automatically automatically selecting and opening data files without any other manual process.
- Description: It enables visualizations of various file types such as video, audio, or text to be created via QlikView. It supports QuickTime video rendering.
- Description: QlikView supports automatic rendering, rendering by any background process
- Description: Built in built in “automatic” rendering engine allowing QlikView to create your data files automatically (and quickly).
- Description: Built in visual object oriented rendering engine and the Qlik view UI.
- Description: The QlikView’s Auto rendering engine provides the ability to automatically select and preview new data files.
- Description: Qt View allows users to quickly see their work in the background by automatically selecting and opening data files without any other manual process.
- Description: It enables visualizations of various file types such as video, audio, or text to be created via QlikView. It supports QuickTime video rendering.
- Description: Built in built in “automatic” rendering engine allowing QlikView to create your data files automatically (and quickly).
- Description: Built in visual object oriented rendering engine and the Qlik view UI.
- Description: The QlikView’s Auto rendering engine provides the ability to automatically choose and preview new data files.
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This uses in fast decision making when having the correct information available and also easy available. QlikView can also promotes the unrestricted analysis of application data, and helps users to save time for accurate decisions. The Associative Search is Good in QlikView. This search gives users the freedom to start and finish them analyzes anywhere. Supports Fast and Powerful visualization capabilitiesLow cost-shorter implementations result in cost saving and fast returns on the investment. Risk free- available as a fully functional free trail download. ETL (Extraction transformation loading): is a process in data warehousing responsible for transforming the data out from source systems and storing into a data warehouse.
This uses in fast decision making when having the right information available and also easy available. QlikView can also promotes the unrestricted analysis of application data, and helps users to save time for accurate decisions. The Associative Search is Good in QlikView. This search gives users the freedom to start and finish them analyzes anywhere. Supports Fast and Powerful visualization capabilitiesLow cost-shorter implementations result in cost saving and fast returns on the investment. Risk free- available as a fully functional free trail download. ETL (Extraction transformation loading): is a process in data warehousing responsible for transforming the data out from source systems and storing into a data warehouse.
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