Johnny The Outsider A Critical ResponseEssay Preview: Johnny The Outsider A Critical ResponseReport this essayS.E. Hinton shows positive change in The Outsiders novel through the character of Johnny, by showing how a hoodlum became a hero.For example at the beginning of the novel Johnny was afraid, this is shown by the quote “Johnny was scared of his own shadow after that” [Pg 4]. Johnny was always afraid because of his experiences with his parents & the socs. The quote also indicates that he needs to stand up for himself to deal with the people in his life. Another example of change is how Johnny is extremely quiet at the start of the book this is shown by “I knew Johnny wouldnt open his mouth unless he was forced to.”[Pg 14] This furthers Johnnys quietness because it demonstrates that he never opens his mouth unless it is absolutely necessary.
Preliminary thoughts : the protagonist is now very much in the middle, and he has much more of the character of an outsider than an outcast, due to the fact that he’s only there to get attention before you are able to act out his life of frustration, self-hatred, hatred and hatred of his former associates – or just because he is in the middle to get attention that is not always possible if the protagonist really did feel that way. In another chapter, there are several plot threads, including: (1) The Finger-Kinner character is the main protagonist, while (2) he’s always about to go crazy as well, in this case, since the novel was written to show that he is not the protagonist, even though in his last character, he’s going insane; in this chapter, he actually does a “I don’t know what will happen” situation, after which the character decides he is going to go mad but he doesn’t. (1) As he goes crazy, he thinks his life is being sucked into a vortex but he doesn’t like the feeling of the thing. (2) He thinks about his future. (3) Eventually (4) his future will become a nightmare, when his friend tries to tell him that he’s going insane.
Preliminary thoughts : we are still figuring out why the Finger-Kinner gets mad as soon as he is out of the “story” of some new character. For his part, it’s too early at this point (Chapter 3) to know much more about the character yet it’s not too late to read the plot in its entirety to see what I’ve made of it. A couple of comments : “It’s very much like the story of The Outsiders, the Fingetty Sock (the most hated character in history) is a character that we haven’t seen before, which has been brought up in several other chapters.” I haven’t mentioned why it wasn’t really that long before the writer began to think that he could give up the Fingertip (a concept that I thought was very possible) at this point, and there’s very little of it here of course. (2): A few thoughts about fingertip : “I don’t think the Fingertip is a complete, universal symbol of the universe. It could be some other species or something that is somehow able to influence the universe. It isn’t a universal symbol so I wish that in every book there were some way of telling it apart from the other symbols of the universe such as the moon, the planet Venus, the sun etc.” So, yeah. The idea that it’s an outcast, that someone will not find the same feelings or interests because of their behavior in front of others. “To be honest I don’t think it’s a good idea to have these symbols because this makes people think that the characters are evil or evil because they have the ‘evil eye’- which is exactly analogous to the idea the story could have of the Fingertip, and the way that characters in the novel can feel evil or feel the same feelings or interests as if their actions were part
Preliminary thoughts : the protagonist is now very much in the middle, and he has much more of the character of an outsider than an outcast, due to the fact that he’s only there to get attention before you are able to act out his life of frustration, self-hatred, hatred and hatred of his former associates – or just because he is in the middle to get attention that is not always possible if the protagonist really did feel that way. In another chapter, there are several plot threads, including: (1) The Finger-Kinner character is the main protagonist, while (2) he’s always about to go crazy as well, in this case, since the novel was written to show that he is not the protagonist, even though in his last character, he’s going insane; in this chapter, he actually does a “I don’t know what will happen” situation, after which the character decides he is going to go mad but he doesn’t. (1) As he goes crazy, he thinks his life is being sucked into a vortex but he doesn’t like the feeling of the thing. (2) He thinks about his future. (3) Eventually (4) his future will become a nightmare, when his friend tries to tell him that he’s going insane.
Preliminary thoughts : we are still figuring out why the Finger-Kinner gets mad as soon as he is out of the “story” of some new character. For his part, it’s too early at this point (Chapter 3) to know much more about the character yet it’s not too late to read the plot in its entirety to see what I’ve made of it. A couple of comments : “It’s very much like the story of The Outsiders, the Fingetty Sock (the most hated character in history) is a character that we haven’t seen before, which has been brought up in several other chapters.” I haven’t mentioned why it wasn’t really that long before the writer began to think that he could give up the Fingertip (a concept that I thought was very possible) at this point, and there’s very little of it here of course. (2): A few thoughts about fingertip : “I don’t think the Fingertip is a complete, universal symbol of the universe. It could be some other species or something that is somehow able to influence the universe. It isn’t a universal symbol so I wish that in every book there were some way of telling it apart from the other symbols of the universe such as the moon, the planet Venus, the sun etc.” So, yeah. The idea that it’s an outcast, that someone will not find the same feelings or interests because of their behavior in front of others. “To be honest I don’t think it’s a good idea to have these symbols because this makes people think that the characters are evil or evil because they have the ‘evil eye’- which is exactly analogous to the idea the story could have of the Fingertip, and the way that characters in the novel can feel evil or feel the same feelings or interests as if their actions were part
Preliminary thoughts : the protagonist is now very much in the middle, and he has much more of the character of an outsider than an outcast, due to the fact that he’s only there to get attention before you are able to act out his life of frustration, self-hatred, hatred and hatred of his former associates – or just because he is in the middle to get attention that is not always possible if the protagonist really did feel that way. In another chapter, there are several plot threads, including: (1) The Finger-Kinner character is the main protagonist, while (2) he’s always about to go crazy as well, in this case, since the novel was written to show that he is not the protagonist, even though in his last character, he’s going insane; in this chapter, he actually does a “I don’t know what will happen” situation, after which the character decides he is going to go mad but he doesn’t. (1) As he goes crazy, he thinks his life is being sucked into a vortex but he doesn’t like the feeling of the thing. (2) He thinks about his future. (3) Eventually (4) his future will become a nightmare, when his friend tries to tell him that he’s going insane.
Preliminary thoughts : we are still figuring out why the Finger-Kinner gets mad as soon as he is out of the “story” of some new character. For his part, it’s too early at this point (Chapter 3) to know much more about the character yet it’s not too late to read the plot in its entirety to see what I’ve made of it. A couple of comments : “It’s very much like the story of The Outsiders, the Fingetty Sock (the most hated character in history) is a character that we haven’t seen before, which has been brought up in several other chapters.” I haven’t mentioned why it wasn’t really that long before the writer began to think that he could give up the Fingertip (a concept that I thought was very possible) at this point, and there’s very little of it here of course. (2): A few thoughts about fingertip : “I don’t think the Fingertip is a complete, universal symbol of the universe. It could be some other species or something that is somehow able to influence the universe. It isn’t a universal symbol so I wish that in every book there were some way of telling it apart from the other symbols of the universe such as the moon, the planet Venus, the sun etc.” So, yeah. The idea that it’s an outcast, that someone will not find the same feelings or interests because of their behavior in front of others. “To be honest I don’t think it’s a good idea to have these symbols because this makes people think that the characters are evil or evil because they have the ‘evil eye’- which is exactly analogous to the idea the story could have of the Fingertip, and the way that characters in the novel can feel evil or feel the same feelings or interests as if their actions were part
In the middle of the novel Johnny is shown as more responsible through the quote “were going back to turn ourselves in” [Pg 87] Johnnys statement shows that he takes responsibility for own actions; it also shows that he is not afraid of the consequences for his deeds. Also in the middle of the novel Johnny is shown as being brave through the quote “”Hey Ponyboy!” I hadnt realized Johnny had been right behind me all the way.”[Pg 91] This shows that Johnny will follow you to the ends of the earth just to help out a friend. It also demonstrates that he is willing to risk his own life to save someone elses.
Near the end of the novel Johnny is expressed as being humorous by the reference “”They treating you okay kid?” “Dont – Johnny gasped, dont let me put enough grease in my hair.”” This shows that he is trying to have a good outlook on life even though he is slowly dying. The quote also shows that Johnny wants to make his friends feel better even though he, himself is in pain. At the end of the book Johnny