Hoi An – Research Paper – Prenal Rai
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Hoi An
[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4]SUBMITTED TO,                                                         SUBMITTED BY:MR SUNIL KHANNAL                                                        NAWANG SHERPA,SILVER MOUNTAIN SCHOOL OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT.         PRENAL RAI, ROJAL MAHARJAN, SUSHOVIT RANA.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Sunil Khanal , teacher, silver mountain school of hotel management for giving us the opportunity to carry out an project tourism concept and practices: the heritage city Hoi An rise in tourism and its impacts.We would also like to thank   Mrs. Saguna shah ,teacher, silver mountain school of hotel management for her guidance and continuous support without which this report not have been possible.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYHoi An is the heritage city of Vietnam. It has boomed in tourism because of its authenticity and beauty which has sustained well since the ages. Declared as world heritage site it has been attracting large number of tourists every year. Together with the ancient town the mesmerizing beaches of Hoi an also attracted large number of visitors.  The increasing tourism business has led to various changes with increasing infrastructure developments. The people living in Hoi An have become active in promoting the local culture. Due to the large tourism activities Hoi an has been experiencing lots changes in terms of social, environment and economic activities. There have been various positive impacts on the city that is experiencing the development with the tourism activities but at the same time various negative impacts have started to flourish in the city. Governments have been coming up with various plans and regulations for the proper management of the city. Hoi An and Hoianese people aim to create an economic, environmental and socio-cultural balance with the development and preservation of heritage city and its authenticity.

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By: Prenal Rai
Submitted: August 16, 2016
Essay Length: 4,997 Words / 20 Pages
Paper type: Research Paper
Views: 424
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Project Tourism Concept And Silver Mountain School Of Hotel Management. (June 24, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/project-tourism-concept-and-silver-mountain-school-of-hotel-management-essay/