Dispute Resolution MechanismsEssay Preview: Dispute Resolution MechanismsReport this essayNowadays the international commercial arbitration is demanded because it delivers advantages neutral in political and procedural sense of body for settlement of dispute. The arbitration is registered as a universal method of permission of the international economic disputes. Its value thoroughly raised just during the period when international trade started developing.

Any country without addiction is interested in development of arbitral proceeding. It is necessary to notice that it is defined by numerous advantages of the arbitration court which are rather in detail described in special literature which is devoted to arbitration legal proceedings, and are approved in jurisdictional practice of many states.

It is expedient to note that among conventional pluses of the developed system of arbitration legal proceedings, that fact that load of the state courts is essentially diminished takes not the last place, and also at the expense of a smaller formalism in procedures process of permission of collisions that is extremely important for a commercial turn is accelerated.

The increase in popularity of the international commercial arbitration is connected with considerable benefits and advantages, which in the similar way of consideration and settlement of disputes gives to the parties of the external economic transactions.

Lets note that speech mainly goes about much more active role of the parties in the procedure of arbitration legal proceedings:a) the parties have the right to appoint arbitrators, thereby submitting dispute to persons who, according to the parties, are most competent in the field;

b) the absolute number of standards of the national legal systems regulating arbitration, has the dispositive character allowing the parties to replace rules containing in its norms of arbitration.

Objectivity of process of internationalization of modern world economy causes of the newest level of multilateral economic relationship, namely the strengthened basis of infrastructures, which provide dynamic and forward development of the market.

It is expedient to note that at the moment the world economy the increasing part wins lines of a uniform organism outside which cannot any state with market economy is ordinary to work.

The governments of the various states accept different criteria for regulation of international trade and functioning of foreign firms in the market of own countries.

Expediency of state regulation of foreign economic activity is identified in the economic concept and certified by practice of managing of industrially developed and latest industrial states. State regulation of foreign trade activities is extensively used in the world. It plays a role of system of measures of the legislative, executive and supervising character in circumstances of a market economy, requested to improve foreign trade activities in interest of national economy. The real measures are implemented competent public institutions and public organizations.

Function of state regulation, mainly, finds development of concepts of foreign trade activities. The strategy is a joint plan of production of the external economic sphere of action, connecting finding of the purposes of development, tasks, the directions of achievement of results and effectiveness of the specified sphere. Development of the doctrine includes attribute of the external economic policy for the present period of development taking into account characteristic conditions of internal development, and also the international economic environment.

Internal and external circumstances are always defined in two ways to the external economic policy: freedom of trade and protectionism. It is necessary to notice that the freedom of trade is freedom at decision-making on problems of foreign trade in businessmen in the state, and unlimited access on the national markets of foreign goods. It is necessary to notice that the protectionism defines state intervention in external economic, as well in foreign trade activity, an embodiment in life of various restrictions of rather foreign goods for support of national production. Always and in all states approach data at the same time exist, their ratio, prevalence of one or others is unequal only that too is caused by internal and external circumstances.

The latter is of greater importance when it comes to the free access to information on the subject. The freedom to access information on topics is of greater importance when it comes to the right to information on the subjects of the State. The freedom of information on social issues is of more importance in its effect on social policies, especially that which depends on power. It is of greater importance when it comes to the protectionistic and totalitarian ideology.

The freedom of the free access to information is of course an external consequence of a state policy which is aimed at ensuring a strong state security and protection for its members. As discussed above, the security, protection and so on of the State and the individuals in it are of a kind which can, under all types of conditions, be obtained by force of arms. The freedom of the media and the media will also be of great benefit for all civil society in the future.

To this end, these are the main reasons to have a strong state security and its security guarantees and for the future policy to make no more exceptions for the protection of human rights, freedoms or the protection of freedom of information. If any rights or freedoms of any kind are violated, this can be a clear violation of such fundamental rights, freedoms and protection as regards a well-defined basis for ruling in this manner. It is always possible to avoid this happening in practice.

The fundamental right and the protection of freedom of information have become a matter for debate among various opinion leaders and a variety of civil institutions, most notably the Council on Fundamental Rights (CFR). This Council has decided that freedom of information will continue to be a right which has to be respected and not one which is an internal part of the State. The State should protect each individual from this possibility, while the rights of the State are being strengthened. It is an issue which needs to be taken into consideration. The resolution in question, to be adopted tomorrow, demands:

(1) to ensure the protection and the freedom of the press in all matters connected with their rights or privileges and freedom of the press in related matters; (2) to give full protection to the freedom of all the press and its right to access information as to all the news, news bulletin and other media concerning the state, and to facilitate the communication of information concerning the State to all competent authorities and to all public officials; (3) to take into account all relevant facts and determine its scope and effect; (4) to give full protection of the rights or freedoms of all civil society under Articles 19 and 20 in this Regulation to the exercise of the right to search and to use for information, news and other media;

This Directive is not intended to, or is not in conformity with, the standards or standards applicable to Articles 9 and 10.

Article 1

General principles of the protection of the press in relation to a communication: (a) in relation to the protection of a public institution such as a university, the university may, at its own option, provide for the protection of the press; (b) in relation to a public institution that provides for the protection of a public institution for members, witnesses or information about the members of the press at the request of or for any of its members, witnesses or information, the state may, at its own option, provide for the protection of the press; (c) in relation to a press that is not an unregistered or non-registered public institution, the state may, at its own option, provide for the protection of the press while under the control or control of its members, the state may, at its own option, provide for the protection of the press while a member of the press has or has reason to believe, that his or her access to information may not be fully protected under articles 5 or 8; (d) a member of a press that is not a registered or non-registered public institution of the republic shall not be obliged to provide any public source, whether directly or indirectly, for the protection of the press except in a case where it is a public institution of the republic.

Article 2


Except as directed in the first subparagraph of this Article, national courts or courts of the state are entitled to, where a law criminalising or banning public information, to consider in its application whether the protection granted under this Regulation is in derogation of the rules applicable in this area. A law criminalising or banning public information without first defining the appropriate action for that purpose is entitled to all relevant provisions of this Regulation, except as specifically provided for by Article 3(1) above.

Article 3

Prevention and control

In any case provided for in this Article:

1. A member of the press has full protection under Article 6 or Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

2. The law on the protection of the press shall also be compatible with the international law on media.

Article 4

Prohibition and control

The State exercising the right of protection under this Regulation will take into account the specific circumstances of the citizens or persons who, at a national level, are entitled to information about the state, where such information is in breach of the privacy of such citizens or persons, and where the protection of persons or of national security interests will not be effective and would deprive them of their fundamental rights.

Article 5

Prevention not only of the dissemination of content, ideas or results but also of the rights of the public to informed debate, information and ideas within and without national borders


The resolutions have justly followed.

The Council has, of course, recognized the problem posed by freedom of the press. But it has not even recognised the need for effective measures to protect against this. Thus, it has ordered the repeal of the provisions referred to in section 15 of the Act of Parliament. It has also ordered that an investigation take place into the violations of the rights

The latter is of greater importance when it comes to the free access to information on the subject. The freedom to access information on topics is of greater importance when it comes to the right to information on the subjects of the State. The freedom of information on social issues is of more importance in its effect on social policies, especially that which depends on power. It is of greater importance when it comes to the protectionistic and totalitarian ideology.

The freedom of the free access to information is of course an external consequence of a state policy which is aimed at ensuring a strong state security and protection for its members. As discussed above, the security, protection and so on of the State and the individuals in it are of a kind which can, under all types of conditions, be obtained by force of arms. The freedom of the media and the media will also be of great benefit for all civil society in the future.

To this end, these are the main reasons to have a strong state security and its security guarantees and for the future policy to make no more exceptions for the protection of human rights, freedoms or the protection of freedom of information. If any rights or freedoms of any kind are violated, this can be a clear violation of such fundamental rights, freedoms and protection as regards a well-defined basis for ruling in this manner. It is always possible to avoid this happening in practice.

The fundamental right and the protection of freedom of information have become a matter for debate among various opinion leaders and a variety of civil institutions, most notably the Council on Fundamental Rights (CFR). This Council has decided that freedom of information will continue to be a right which has to be respected and not one which is an internal part of the State. The State should protect each individual from this possibility, while the rights of the State are being strengthened. It is an issue which needs to be taken into consideration. The resolution in question, to be adopted tomorrow, demands:

(1) to ensure the protection and the freedom of the press in all matters connected with their rights or privileges and freedom of the press in related matters; (2) to give full protection to the freedom of all the press and its right to access information as to all the news, news bulletin and other media concerning the state, and to facilitate the communication of information concerning the State to all competent authorities and to all public officials; (3) to take into account all relevant facts and determine its scope and effect; (4) to give full protection of the rights or freedoms of all civil society under Articles 19 and 20 in this Regulation to the exercise of the right to search and to use for information, news and other media;

This Directive is not intended to, or is not in conformity with, the standards or standards applicable to Articles 9 and 10.

Article 1

General principles of the protection of the press in relation to a communication: (a) in relation to the protection of a public institution such as a university, the university may, at its own option, provide for the protection of the press; (b) in relation to a public institution that provides for the protection of a public institution for members, witnesses or information about the members of the press at the request of or for any of its members, witnesses or information, the state may, at its own option, provide for the protection of the press; (c) in relation to a press that is not an unregistered or non-registered public institution, the state may, at its own option, provide for the protection of the press while under the control or control of its members, the state may, at its own option, provide for the protection of the press while a member of the press has or has reason to believe, that his or her access to information may not be fully protected under articles 5 or 8; (d) a member of a press that is not a registered or non-registered public institution of the republic shall not be obliged to provide any public source, whether directly or indirectly, for the protection of the press except in a case where it is a public institution of the republic.

Article 2


Except as directed in the first subparagraph of this Article, national courts or courts of the state are entitled to, where a law criminalising or banning public information, to consider in its application whether the protection granted under this Regulation is in derogation of the rules applicable in this area. A law criminalising or banning public information without first defining the appropriate action for that purpose is entitled to all relevant provisions of this Regulation, except as specifically provided for by Article 3(1) above.

Article 3

Prevention and control

In any case provided for in this Article:

1. A member of the press has full protection under Article 6 or Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

2. The law on the protection of the press shall also be compatible with the international law on media.

Article 4

Prohibition and control

The State exercising the right of protection under this Regulation will take into account the specific circumstances of the citizens or persons who, at a national level, are entitled to information about the state, where such information is in breach of the privacy of such citizens or persons, and where the protection of persons or of national security interests will not be effective and would deprive them of their fundamental rights.

Article 5

Prevention not only of the dissemination of content, ideas or results but also of the rights of the public to informed debate, information and ideas within and without national borders


The resolutions have justly followed.

The Council has, of course, recognized the problem posed by freedom of the press. But it has not even recognised the need for effective measures to protect against this. Thus, it has ordered the repeal of the provisions referred to in section 15 of the Act of Parliament. It has also ordered that an investigation take place into the violations of the rights

In present conditions the external economic policy is the organization of actions of the government oriented on the most favorable formation of scientific and technical, economic, production and other relations with the foreign states, deepening and expansion of participation of the state in world trade for the solution of strategic problems of its social and economic development.

The external economic policy will settle foreign trade, the currency and credit relations, foreign investments, transfer of the last technologies and labor migration. The organization of the external economic policy is affected by multinational corporations, associations of representatives of the capital (national associations of industrialists, branch associations of businessmen), small and medium business, trade boards and other public associations.

In industrially developed states the state regulation machinery connecting the directions, the purposes, the principles, tasks, organizational structures was created. It is expedient to note that the present external economic policy is implemented by means of a number of the ways supervising and stimulating foreign trade.

State regulation of foreign economic activity has at the order a certain specifics in comparison with regulation of other spheres of national economy. It is necessary to notice that the true specifics are defined by need of any country to be conformed with the international norms and the principles of world trade. Each country at regulation of foreign economic activity for its development, growth of efficiency of economy, execution of own national interests should not infringe upon interests of other states and has to work within those rules which are created by the international organizations (GATT, UNCTAD, the WTO, the World customs Organization, etc.).

It is expedient to note that limits of the state regulation of foreign trade activities are caused, on the one hand, by need of expansion of national export and formation of forms of the international cooperation, and with another – installations of the international organizations.

It is necessary to notice that it is not so simple as the subject of regulation of foreign trade activities finds:* implementation of various organizational measures for consolidation of positions of national exporters in the world markets;* stimulation

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Jurisdictional Practice Of Many States And International Commercial Arbitration. (October 5, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/jurisdictional-practice-of-many-states-and-international-commercial-arbitration-essay/