The Third Floor Bedroom – Creative Writing – DevonJackson02
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The Third Floor Bedroom
The Third Floor BedroomThere was a condo building called The Tampton Condominiums. It was one of the hardest place to live in because of the prices. One man, by the name of Thomas Beddison, got lucky. He had got a promotion at his job which now payed him enough to live at this luxurious building. He had always wanted live here ever since his co-worker told him about it. It was moving day and Thomas couldn’t wait to move in to his new condo. He had finish moving in and finally got settled in. He had gotten room 300 the first room on the third floor. He walked out of his room when he saw a creepy shadow in his bedroom before he had closed the door. He went back inside and saw that he had left his window open. He stared yelling out random things to see if any one would answer back but no one did. He left his room wondering what was that creepy shadow and who was it. He went out to eat with his co-workers to celebrate his promotion and his move. He returned to his new home and to find that his window was open again. Maybe he thought the maid might have left it open to let out the fumes from the cleaning supplies. He closed the window and went to sleep. The next morning he went out for his morning jog and returned home to find his window open again. He was starting to get frustrated with his window being repeatedly open and not by him, so he went and talked to the manager. He asked the manager why does he keep finding his window open every time he closes it. The manager responds by asking Thomas did he perhaps leave it open when he first moved here. Thomas says yeah and why does it matter doesn’t everybody leave there window open. The manager tells Thomas he has the only window in the whole building because everybody is afraid to have a window because every time a shadowy figure comes in there condo and the don’t feel safe. Thomas takes heed as he walks away in confusion about this shadow figure. The next morning Thomas wakes and puts a lock on his window to make sure nobody comes in anymore. He goes to work and happy that he can now rest safely knowing that no one can caome inhis home while he is away. He returns home to find that the lock was broken and tthe only somebody could break the lock was from the inside. From this point, he knew somebody was in his house but he knew they went out the window. That night Thomas had set a trap for whoever has been coming in and out of his house, he could finally capture who has been terrorinzing the whole building. He went to sleep around 10:51 and then heard russeling at 3:00 in the morning an he knew it was him. He went to go see who it was and it turned who he would have never guessed. It was the last person he expected to see. It turned out to be the building manger. Turns out that the mnsger was stealing valuables from tennants, so Thomas called the cops got him arrested but something else happened, bigger than this and Thomas knew he was in danger. To Be Continued…………….

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(2017, 04). The Third Floor Bedroom. Retrieved 04, 2017, from
“The Third Floor Bedroom” 04 2017. 2017. 04 2017 < "The Third Floor Bedroom.", 04 2017. Web. 04 2017. < "The Third Floor Bedroom." 04, 2017. Accessed 04, 2017. Essay Preview By: DevonJackson02 Submitted: April 8, 2017 Essay Length: 603 Words / 3 Pages Paper type: Creative Writing Views: 380 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays My Bedroom My Bedroom Do you ever wonder why certain places mean so much to certain people? When I think of my bedroom, I realize why some 1,018 Words  |  5 Pages Bedroom The floor is pale and yet full of texture. A rug covers the floor in need of a stretching. In an array of gloss and 524 Words  |  3 Pages Opening of a Cafateria on the Fourth Floor RIVER VIEW PLAZA MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: OPENING OF A CAFATERIA ON THE FOURTH FLOOR DATE: WHAT IS THE PLAN? Hello; Mr. Steve Taylor My 480 Words  |  2 Pages The 13th Floor Elevators The 13th Floor Elevators “Since Aristotle, man has organized his knowledge vertically in separate and unrelated groups -- Science, Religion, Sex, Relaxation, Work etc. The 1,110 Words  |  5 Pages Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Name Of Thomas Beddison And Third Floor Bedroom. (June 25, 2021). Retrieved from