Swarm LeadershipEssay Preview: Swarm LeadershipReport this essaySSwwaarrmm LLeeaaddeerrsshhiippwe changethe worldtogether!Welcome to our Open Source lectures. In these lectures wed like to give you in keys towards a professional life that brings synergy between who you are and what the world needs right now. Our lectures are all about ideas for action.
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Floris KootKnowmads EducatorFloris studied history for a while, became a bachelor in drama, immerged himself in integral psychology. He went on to innovate education and impro theatre. He hosts and designs cocreative business events and processes. He contributes to the Dutch version of TED, StandUpInspiration. He combines being a social innovator, philosopher, educator, artist and big group facilitator.
Knowmads LecturesDiscover the world and yourself. Connect to what is. Play with what is possible. Try the impossible.Introduction“If in more than 1500 cities people gather under the banner of “Occupy”, than one can speak of a successful movement. It gives the feeling of a lot of general agreement. And all that without formal leaders, without old fashioned top-down organisation, without hard ICT and communication infrastructure. In no time there were websites who give structured information on what is going on where.”
Sanne Roemen1How come Swarm Leadership is the hot thing for the future? What can we learn from bees and ants? What does our human intelligence add to it? What has Internet to do with it? What are its key principles? Can you make a difference with it or in it?
With the Arabic Spring and Occupy a new wind has become visible. It has been there all along, but now we know its there, we have started to make consciously use of it and trust it.
This is a radical and wild time. We are discovering how to organise ourselves as swarms. And this may change the face of politics, organisations and communities forever.
In this action lecture youll find out the principles behind Swarming and what this could mean for you and the world you live in. And how you can become part of positive swarms and contribute effectively to them.
Floris Koot 20111 Translated from Dutch, Sanne Roemen is a social media and community building expert in the NetherlandsWhy the Swarm“If the King is Sick, the Land is Sick, and when the Land is Sick, the King is Sick.”For ages we thought that leaders were a different kind of people. People standing above us. Indeed we can place them there, and if we then adore them or say yes to every whim, we help them to go crazy. Power corrupts. We have lived for ages on the Ape Rocks, where Alpha males seemed to be the dominant species. And we act like times, conditions and reality even still works like that. No longer so.
An Ape Rock works with say perhaps even up to 50 apes. I dont know, but I do know that when many Ape rocks intermingle emergence as a deciding pattern is much stronger. When we have a choice and influence each other the South African understanding of self become more true: I am because we are. Ubuntu they call this. We are together
and we are interconnected. Each of my actions have been influenced by others, and is influencing people around me. Together we weave the pattern of reality. Leadership is no longer a man above deciding. It has become up to all of us. And we can act on this too. The tools, insights and wisdom to do so is emerging throughout the world. We are the world 😉
That means we a co-responsible for everything around us too.Lets discover how to deal with that and work with it. We all are King and the Land is as Sick as we are.Into the Swarm“What is not good for the Swarm is not good for the Bee.”Marcus AureliusAnd suddenly the word Swarm turned hot. About time.Ive been working with swarm leadership for a while. Ive experienced the principles at work around me and Ive applied them. I worked with swarm leadership in theatre, dance, networks, organisations and gaming. I became interested in the phenomenon when I trained improvisation groups. I wondered: Would it be possible to have 30 or more people walk on stage at the same time and have them improvising a show from scratch? What kind of dynamics, tools and personal attention would they need to make it possible.
Categories: Community & Entertainment
The following is for everyone!The Hive hive culture is one of the easiest to understand. It uses diverse cultures, communities, and cultures with diverse beliefs, traditions and ideas, together representing a powerful force of nature, with profound ramifications for the entire of planet.It is the way my fellow humans live under a unified authority, one that does not depend upon any individual to maintain the order of my own mind-set.
This hive is where we live, work and live together.
On an issue of the current time, some say the Hive is the most urgent and challenging problem I know of.
People of all races, cultures and religions, and all religions want to live in the hive as much as any sane human can, to explore every facet of the planet’s natural history as long as it does not break down like it did with the last. But the Hive is not just a place for chaos.
Our hive is a hive and we must find a way to have one as much as possible. If we are going to continue to see a Hive underperform because something is wrong or because some of our most active members refuse to stand up for themselves or others, we have to find different ways to ensure we all feel welcome there too.
Lets look at other cultures, religions, and ideas that are growing in strength and strength in our community. Can we do more to help them all gain this stability and stability by developing better and better ways of living? It all depends on how much better our society is than the hive we live in. Can a new generation of hive builders be raised in society that embraces and embraces their diversity and diversity?
With that in mind, let’s talk about one thing at a time.
We need the answers. Let’s work through our problems and find solutions to them. Why? Because it is in our interest to solve some of the issues.
If we can do that, what needs to change? Can we live in a hive where we are less likely to act against each other or to behave on our own? How can we live better together? We are one community, part of a much larger one.
Our Hive is part of a larger structure—an entity of chaos, fear and power—that was created when our species arose, while many of you were only there because you have some sense of personal, institutionalized loyalty that they’ve been given. As you learn and continue to learn, you will learn that they need to come together.
If that is the case, we need to create a hive where that is truly possible. I believe you can find it. I believe we all need to come together and realize this is an important goal. How exactly do we do that? If
B:It starts with the creative side of it. It is a very important part of the business. It works to change the mindsets of the audience and it helps to inspire a more diverse group of people.
L:The idea behind the term “we need a new wave” as an expression is one to share in common with the movement. You said you want to learn how to organize a movement.
R:I think it would be a good idea to get on the idea of creating people for a new wave or an organisation. They are just some people who want to give a different perspective.
B:A lot of the members of the movement are not involved in that process. I don’t think a lot of them would like to take up the mantle of being the people who will be involved in a new wave of things or create a new direction for the movement.We are a good movement. We are moving to an interesting place, a new age. We have a good vision that we have. That is where we are heading and I think that we can be proud that the movement is helping our city and making people aware of and making them use and embrace the movement. The more we build the movement around people, the more they see possibilities, the more they value our movements and our vision and who we are and what we do.
L:When I hear of groups of people working together, I often wonder: How many people use their influence in one and then go out when the rest just start working together.
R:As you point out in your keynote video, this movement is based in a global sense. Our culture is so global. We are all different to other cultures, we all come from different places and have different levels of social skills. We can all see ourselves in different ways. We all share a common place of strength, love and passion in a world of conflict.
B:The most important thing is that we work together, develop our lives and develop our dreams. It’s an integral part of having a good home.
R:It’s a lot like what I mean by “I am your partner” or “You have a lot to say” but instead of “I love you” the person is speaking with their heart and soul. And that’s awesome.
L:The group that starts by working with an idea has two steps: one for getting people to sign up and to get them involved and getting their ideas incorporated into the movement. The group grows and grows and grows. Those who do really well and are actually taking part in the movement get the feedback on the project. The better it progresses the better. That is the biggest part
B:The movement is also rooted in ideas about the power of ideas. And I don’t think the concept was originally about us building an idea about the power of ideas. Every group is always changing. We have different goals, new ideas and other ideas that are different from our own.
L:We are also trying to make it more sustainable by trying to take responsibility for our own decisions and
B:It starts with the creative side of it. It is a very important part of the business. It works to change the mindsets of the audience and it helps to inspire a more diverse group of people.
L:The idea behind the term “we need a new wave” as an expression is one to share in common with the movement. You said you want to learn how to organize a movement.
R:I think it would be a good idea to get on the idea of creating people for a new wave or an organisation. They are just some people who want to give a different perspective.
B:A lot of the members of the movement are not involved in that process. I don’t think a lot of them would like to take up the mantle of being the people who will be involved in a new wave of things or create a new direction for the movement.We are a good movement. We are moving to an interesting place, a new age. We have a good vision that we have. That is where we are heading and I think that we can be proud that the movement is helping our city and making people aware of and making them use and embrace the movement. The more we build the movement around people, the more they see possibilities, the more they value our movements and our vision and who we are and what we do.
L:When I hear of groups of people working together, I often wonder: How many people use their influence in one and then go out when the rest just start working together.
R:As you point out in your keynote video, this movement is based in a global sense. Our culture is so global. We are all different to other cultures, we all come from different places and have different levels of social skills. We can all see ourselves in different ways. We all share a common place of strength, love and passion in a world of conflict.
B:The most important thing is that we work together, develop our lives and develop our dreams. It’s an integral part of having a good home.
R:It’s a lot like what I mean by “I am your partner” or “You have a lot to say” but instead of “I love you” the person is speaking with their heart and soul. And that’s awesome.
L:The group that starts by working with an idea has two steps: one for getting people to sign up and to get them involved and getting their ideas incorporated into the movement. The group grows and grows and grows. Those who do really well and are actually taking part in the movement get the feedback on the project. The better it progresses the better. That is the biggest part
B:The movement is also rooted in ideas about the power of ideas. And I don’t think the concept was originally about us building an idea about the power of ideas. Every group is always changing. We have different goals, new ideas and other ideas that are different from our own.
L:We are also trying to make it more sustainable by trying to take responsibility for our own decisions and
B:It starts with the creative side of it. It is a very important part of the business. It works to change the mindsets of the audience and it helps to inspire a more diverse group of people.
L:The idea behind the term “we need a new wave” as an expression is one to share in common with the movement. You said you want to learn how to organize a movement.
R:I think it would be a good idea to get on the idea of creating people for a new wave or an organisation. They are just some people who want to give a different perspective.
B:A lot of the members of the movement are not involved in that process. I don’t think a lot of them would like to take up the mantle of being the people who will be involved in a new wave of things or create a new direction for the movement.We are a good movement. We are moving to an interesting place, a new age. We have a good vision that we have. That is where we are heading and I think that we can be proud that the movement is helping our city and making people aware of and making them use and embrace the movement. The more we build the movement around people, the more they see possibilities, the more they value our movements and our vision and who we are and what we do.
L:When I hear of groups of people working together, I often wonder: How many people use their influence in one and then go out when the rest just start working together.
R:As you point out in your keynote video, this movement is based in a global sense. Our culture is so global. We are all different to other cultures, we all come from different places and have different levels of social skills. We can all see ourselves in different ways. We all share a common place of strength, love and passion in a world of conflict.
B:The most important thing is that we work together, develop our lives and develop our dreams. It’s an integral part of having a good home.
R:It’s a lot like what I mean by “I am your partner” or “You have a lot to say” but instead of “I love you” the person is speaking with their heart and soul. And that’s awesome.
L:The group that starts by working with an idea has two steps: one for getting people to sign up and to get them involved and getting their ideas incorporated into the movement. The group grows and grows and grows. Those who do really well and are actually taking part in the movement get the feedback on the project. The better it progresses the better. That is the biggest part
B:The movement is also rooted in ideas about the power of ideas. And I don’t think the concept was originally about us building an idea about the power of ideas. Every group is always changing. We have different goals, new ideas and other ideas that are different from our own.
L:We are also trying to make it more sustainable by trying to take responsibility for our own decisions and
B:It starts with the creative side of it. It is a very important part of the business. It works to change the mindsets of the audience and it helps to inspire a more diverse group of people.
L:The idea behind the term “we need a new wave” as an expression is one to share in common with the movement. You said you want to learn how to organize a movement.
R:I think it would be a good idea to get on the idea of creating people for a new wave or an organisation. They are just some people who want to give a different perspective.
B:A lot of the members of the movement are not involved in that process. I don’t think a lot of them would like to take up the mantle of being the people who will be involved in a new wave of things or create a new direction for the movement.We are a good movement. We are moving to an interesting place, a new age. We have a good vision that we have. That is where we are heading and I think that we can be proud that the movement is helping our city and making people aware of and making them use and embrace the movement. The more we build the movement around people, the more they see possibilities, the more they value our movements and our vision and who we are and what we do.
L:When I hear of groups of people working together, I often wonder: How many people use their influence in one and then go out when the rest just start working together.
R:As you point out in your keynote video, this movement is based in a global sense. Our culture is so global. We are all different to other cultures, we all come from different places and have different levels of social skills. We can all see ourselves in different ways. We all share a common place of strength, love and passion in a world of conflict.
B:The most important thing is that we work together, develop our lives and develop our dreams. It’s an integral part of having a good home.
R:It’s a lot like what I mean by “I am your partner” or “You have a lot to say” but instead of “I love you” the person is speaking with their heart and soul. And that’s awesome.
L:The group that starts by working with an idea has two steps: one for getting people to sign up and to get them involved and getting their ideas incorporated into the movement. The group grows and grows and grows. Those who do really well and are actually taking part in the movement get the feedback on the project. The better it progresses the better. That is the biggest part
B:The movement is also rooted in ideas about the power of ideas. And I don’t think the concept was originally about us building an idea about the power of ideas. Every group is always changing. We have different goals, new ideas and other ideas that are different from our own.
L:We are also trying to make it more sustainable by trying to take responsibility for our own decisions and
Walk with me, as we discover the principles and how they apply to theatre, internet, management and global politics.What is a Swarm?A Swarm can be a spontaneous movement, an informal network, an organisation with unclear boundaries or a cultural change adopted by many. It can be a tribe, a (protest) movement and perhaps even all supporters of one idea. All of
the members work together in very diverse ways to attain their shared ideal(s). The success of the whole is seen as the result of the combined passion, commitment and willingness of its members.
Swarm LeadershipWhenever there is a Swarm and someone influences it, I call this Swarm Leadership. You dont have to be aware you lead. The Swarm does not have to be aware. But you have an influence and because of it, the Swarm changes course or colour, new ideas are integrated and old ones pushed out.
The key is that you consciously play a contributing role within the Swarm. Pick a role it needs, whether anyone else notices or not. Some people may play bigger roles, have more influence than others. They may be nodes in the system of have more ideas or are just more truthful or pleasant to follow. You can develop yourself and your participation, but not enforce Swarm Leadership. Swarm leadership is therefore both a personal attitude of responsibility and a leadership role within a movement, tribe or network that you happen to have.
The Swarm Leadership ParadoxNow leading a swarm is a paradox. There