Bcom 275 – Business Communication and Critical Thinking
Essay Preview: Bcom 275 – Business Communication and Critical Thinking
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Monica Diaz
University of Phoenix
BCOM/275 Business Communication and Critical Thinking
November 15, 2012
Facilitator: Orlando Santana
In life we as individuals come across people everywhere we do not even recognize how many. We meet or come in contact with a stranger every day, and people may not realize it but even a simple gesture or nod is communicating with someone. Whether it is standing in line at the grocery store making small talk with a neighbor or saying routine morning hellos to the same faces around the office, we are still conducting a form of communication. Lets face it though, not all forms of communications transition smoothly between one person and another. For instance a horrible transition of communication can lead to fighting or confusion. As I am sure uneasy communication happens to everyone at some point in time, my experience was just as uncomfortable as it was uneasy.

Business related example
Unfortunately, my boss and I have a very hard time communicating toward each other enough as it is, but to make things more complicated returning emails back and forth does not make our situation any better. Since my boss is constantly in an out of meetings I have to be understanding that her best form of communication is through emails because she is rarely at her desk. Me being the sender, I had requested for a client of my company to be refunded fairly due because of a discrepancy in the companys billing system earlier one week. My boss, being the receiver interpreted my email to mean that I myself was creating a credit for this specific client and just making her aware. Little did she remember that I have no access to credit any client and that she was the one in charge of crediting our clients. I supposed she had forgotten this obstacle of me not being able to credit any client because her email directly said for me to go ahead and credit the client. Finally when I had approached my manager after waiting until her last meeting ended I asked her if she wanted me to learn how to handle my companies credit system and she finally replied by saying “no I just wanted you to prepare a credit memo for paper work back up and I will credit the client like always.” My boss however, had not taken her time in writing me the email, which she meant simply to prepare the document for the credit and not credit the client directly myself, as what was stated in her email.

My bosss email failed, to mention a few details on what exactly was needed of me in order for her to start the process on the clients credit. I was told one thing when my manager had meant to do another, simple as

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