Comm 2000 – Case Study – Case Study – John Conner
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Comm 2000 – Case Study
John ConnerDr. Ellen KleinCOMM 200015 Oct 2017Case Study 2        The first communication event that comes to mind was when we were studying the HURIER model and I applied it at work. The six stages, from whose first letters the model is named, are hearing, understanding, remembering, interpreting, evaluating, and responding. The six stages do not have to be in that exact order but it was provided that way. I was in the middle of a meeting and I looked around the room to see at what stages I thought people were in the model. It was a HR meeting that I already attended before so I could pay attention to the people around myself.         The first stage is Hearing, the physical process of perceiving sound. The meeting was in the morning so I could tell that some people were not awake yet. They were hearing but not really listening to the HR representative. There were multiple people that I thought were understanding due to the amount of questions that were asked about certain aspects of the speech. I am unsure if the people were able to remember the items that were being discussed because I could only see what was going on in the meeting. I was able to remember what was said in the previous meeting so I did not really need to listen to the speaker again.

The next stage is interpreting, which I could tell that some people were doing. The speaker and a couple people in the front were engaged in conversation and picking up on each others social queues through facial expressions. People were forced to evaluate a couple different options of health plans that were presented. Then people responded to the HR representative by letting them know that it was a great and informative meeting. It was a great meeting to be able to watch around the room and see people’s reactions to the speaker.         The next communication event that I noticed at work is Forming and Maintaining Social Bonds. There are several people at my work that I can explain our relationships through the theories explained. The first is the Attraction Theory, which describes why we are drawn to others. I was socially attracted to one of my best friends at the company due to him being the same age as myself and his love for football. We had a big social attraction, which means being attracted to someone’s personality. We have been friends for almost five years now and continue to be friends even though he has moved on to another company.

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“Comm 2000 – Case Study” 10 2017. 2017. 10 2017 < "Comm 2000 - Case Study.", 10 2017. Web. 10 2017. < "Comm 2000 - Case Study." 10, 2017. Accessed 10, 2017. Essay Preview By: John Conner Submitted: October 15, 2017 Essay Length: 617 Words / 3 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 312 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Nike Case Study SHORT CASE SUMMARY Nike, Inc. (503-671-6453, is the worlds #1 athletic shoe and apparel seller. Nike currently employs 20,700 employees, with total sales of 1,706 Words  |  7 Pages Brinkerhoff International Inc Case Study MEMORANDUM TO: JUAN C. ARAQUE FROM: GROUP #6 SUBJECT: CASE STUDY FOR COMPANY "BRINKERHOFF INTERNATIONAL INC." DATE: 11/14/00 CC: HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR OBJECTIVE: After careful 2,797 Words  |  12 Pages Nafta Case Study NAFTA Five Years of Failure By: Jeff Dotson In December of 1992, Presidents Salinas (Mexico), Bush (U.S.) and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada signed 8,025 Words  |  33 Pages Comm 215 - Case Study Analysis Case Study Analysis Barbara Harmon COMM 215 Essentials of College Writing October 23, 2006 ABC, Inc. did not provide enough supervision and guidance for their 994 Words  |  4 Pages Similar Topics Case Study Gerber Babyfoods Montclair Papermill Case Study Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Case Study And Middle Of A Meeting. (June 26, 2021). Retrieved from