Carl Jung Has Created the Word “archetypes”Essay Preview: Carl Jung Has Created the Word “archetypes”Report this essayCarl Jung has created the word “archetypes” as we use today. He believed there to be an all-inclusive theme to every book, movie, TV show, essay, dramatic plays, and more. He also created a blueprint to how every piece of writing is authored and the following steps in sequential order: departure, initiation, road of trials, innermost cave, return, and reconciliation with society. (Archetypes) Examples of archetypes are symbolism, colors, dialogue, setting, color, and themes. There are four main types of archetypes that Jung created. These are situational, symbolic, thematic, and characteristic archetypes. (Nix) For example, the quest, the fulfillment of the characters purpose, would be a situational archetype. Colors, such as red, would be an example of a symbolic archetype. Red in most situations means death. Finally, the hero would be considered a character archetype. The “hero” is the one in the story who takes risks to save others from danger. Archetypes, as you can see, help the reader indirectly understand the story better and make the story more interesting. (Archetypes) In both I am Mordred and Ratatouille, the archetypes of task, color, and hero are used.

The novel I am Mordred is an excellent story to manifest multiple cases of archetypes. There are numerous archetypes to name, however there are three foremost archetypes that are most prominent. These include the tasks, colors, and the hero. The dominant colors of I am Mordred are white, black, and green. The color white corresponds to goodness, purity, innocence, and leadership. When Nyneva gifts Gull to Mordred, she tells him, “Why Mordred, this must be yours.” (Springer 13) Gull is a white dog and she acts as a guide for Mordred throughout all risks he takes. This brings us to the character archetype of this novel which will be discussed later. The color black in this story stands in place for anything bad that is happening, or will happen. The black raven is an excellent example of this archetype that is displayed throughout this novel. The color green illustrates Camelot portraying a peaceful place of royalty. One leading hero in I am Mordred is the Fisherfather who saved Mordred from death and raised him as a child. (Springer 3-4) Finally, Garet and Gawains revenge for their father on Sir Pellinore is a prominent example of the task archetype. These archetypes are also manifested in other stories, and not only I am Mordred.

Archetypes are universal, meaning they can be found everywhere, whether you know it or not. Many archetypes can be found in the movie Ratatouille. In this movie, a small young rat named Remy dreams of becoming the next best chef in France. Remys fate finds him in the sewers of France below a well-known restaurant. Without regard to being an unlikely and unwanted chef in the kitchen of this restaurant, Remys love for cooking would soon create a funny yet exciting rat race that takes the food and cooking world of France, and turns it into another direction. When Remy first enters the restaurant, he finds that the head chef has not created a well-tasting soup and the owner of the restaurant is not satisfied. Remy then


In the next part of the series, Drazzin explores the horrors of the Drazzin’s Tower, and this time it’s the role of a Russian billionaire named Alex, played by Nicholas Hoult. Drazzin has been a big villain ever since he killed the head chef of a French restaurant, and he’s only been able to kill some of the Drazzin’s loyalists, but with time, this story takes a different direction and focuses the protagonist’s eyes on the events in the Drazzin’s Tower. This takes a surprising and unexpected turn when Drazzin is sent in by Alex’s Russian friend. Instead of returning to Russia, Alex becomes involved in the story after receiving word that a family had been poisoned. At his parents’ request, Alex and his family flee the Drazzin’s Tower to a safe place in exile.


The series focuses primarily on two things: the first is Drazzin’s Tower, which offers a nice twist to the first two episodes. As the series progresses in this season, many plot details and developments become much more clear, to say the least. The first episode of the series focuses on Dred and the family whose village has been poisoned (the Russian people), in part due to Drazzin’s actions. In the novel, a group of Russian people and a farm man named Hervé are involved in a conspiracy involving the Dred Estate. During a family visit and meeting, the Dred Estate has tried to set a trap for the Dred, and when the family gets caught, the Dred kills all the villagers. As soon as Dred is hit by a lightning rod, several Russian people and farm men are killed, creating a threat that continues to grow. This is not the first time Drazzin has killed people in this way; he only used this technique during the first part of Season 4.

In the seventh episode of Season 4, a family is brought forward and forced to do things they don’t want to do, including poison the villagers and forcing others to join forces. This is the first time they are sent to the mountains for help, and it ends with Hervé making a sacrifice to allow for a safe escape. The most notable thing about this family that wasn’t revealed and it will undoubtedly be one that seems to have been used against them in the later episodes, is that there are also a lot of strange coincidences. Not only are some of their people poisoned by Drazzin before his return to Russia, but they’ve all been poisoned for six years already. A third way they’ve been poisoned is by Hervé; this means that this group may be members of a group that hasn’t been seen since his

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Examples Of Archetypes And Remy Dreams. (August 27, 2021). Retrieved from