The Cause of Chilhood Obesity
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OUTLINESTUDENT NAME                 :   NUR AYREEN BINTI MOHD SUHAIMAIFACULTY /  GROUP            :   ACIS MUAMALATTITTLE                                  :  THE CAUSE OF  CHILDHOOD OBESITYODER                                   :   TOPICAL ODER   GENERAL  PURPOSE         :   TO INFORM  MY AUDIENCE  ABOUT  THE  CAUSE  CHILHOOD OBESITY.SPECIFIC PURPOSE           :  THERE ARE MANY CAUSE OF CHILHOOD WHICH ARE EATING TO MUCH, LACK OF EXCERSING, AND DEPRESSION ALONG.[pic 1]              [pic 2][pic 3]     INTRODUCTIONMalaysia was being ranked 6 th  in the Asia with high obesity issues in 2015.Obesity is a major disease prevalent among children.Nowdays the main increasing rate of overweight children is worldwide healthy issue.Today , I would like to inform you about the childhood obesity which are                                                         ( Transition : Lets start by looking cause childhood obesity)BODYEating to much has commonly been recognized as a major culprit in regards to childhood obesity.The centre for Disesase  Control states that energy imbalance is a key factor.          1. Energy imbalance is defined as “when the number of calories consumed is not                equal to the number of calories used.         2.  Many children are eating excessively and not burning off those extra calories.B. According to the Mayo Clinic, obesity is most common in industrialized countries where  more fast food and convenience food is consumed.                1. According to, about 49% of parents say that because there isn’t   enough time for a home-cooked meal, they turn to restaurants, which are typically high in calories and have less fruits and vegetables.                2. The study also found that children who eat fast food consumed about 187 more calories every day, due to the fact that they ate more fats, sugars, and carbohydrates and less fruits and vegetables than children who did not eat fast food.C.  Parents play a vital role in what and how much their kids eat.

1. Kids learn eating habits from their parents.                                    (Transtition  : Now that you know one cause childhood obesity )Exercising too little has also been recognized as a major culprit in regards to childhood obesity.A.  Sedentry life style.                        1. Rather than playing outdoors or engaging in other forms of physical activity, many children spend more time watching TV and playing videogames.                        2. The more time spent on these sedentary activities means less time spent on physical activities, and, when engaged in these types of activities, children are not burning the calories they are consuming.B. When children are engaged in such activities like TV viewing, they tend to graze nonstop-  their mouth is moving more than any other part of their body.According to Penn State Researcher Lori Francis, watching TV while  eating  interferers with natural cues children’s bodies are sending them about being full.( Transition : Given to two cause of childhood obesity )Children is depression along with other emotional problems.  Depression can make a person eat to ease the pain they are feeling, causes a person to stay indoors and refrain from engaging in physical sports or even converse with other individuals.People with emotional problems tend to be pressured by their friends, family or other external forces.CONCLUSIONIn conclusion, there are many causes of childhood obesity. Obesity has brought a lot a disadvantages or negative impacts internally and externally in our life.  Now, hopefully, you better understand the dynamics of childhood obesity. REFERENCESInternet Sources“Childhood Obesity.” Mayo Clinic Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Posted 31 Mar. 2006. Retrieved 17 Feb. 2008 <

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Main Increasing Rate Of Overweight Children And High Obesity Issues. (June 27, 2021). Retrieved from