Option Pricing
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IEOR4007 Homework #51. Option pricing in incomplete marketsMatlab codes:close allclear allclc%% Data% number of assetsn = 10;% number of statesm = 20;% price todayp = [92  24  68  60  81  81  49  2   84  34];% strikesstrike = [100 98 101];% S matrixS = [117  151  176  141  34   78   178  175  78    170   11    68    155   2 27   39      38   115  52   38 1     35   21   43   22   20   39   25   10    31    39 1    32    18 39   24     33   20   15   924    83   37   66   19   85   46   105  104   72    61 109  100   79 99   80     42   36   42   6571    31   82   56   36   69   54   44   68    61    78 93   51    86 17   96     27   25   85   7225    3    160  36   54   118  51   84   12    176   104    76   92    60 78   41     104  136  95   11532    58   120  104  71   87   121  9    92    8     64 47   133   3 117  148  151  120  67  7620    59   30   88   67   38   68   25   41    85    63 20   77    58 13   19     56   58   34   532     1    1    2    1    2    3    1    1     3     3  1    1     1 3    1   2    3    3    314    75   73   58   26   111  115  120  79    91    20 74   118   147 45   42   142  39   132   14921    22   5    7    58   17   76   16   16    89    40 31   28    33 35   53     11   4    41   78]; %% compute a strictly positive state price deflatorf = zeros(1,m);pi = linprog(f,[],[],S,p,zeros(1,m)) %% check if the call is attainableK = 100;payoff = max(S(:,1)-K,0);equation = [S payoff];rank_coefficient = rank(S)rank_augmented = rank(equation)if (rank_coefficient == rank_augmented)    fprintf(security attainable

)else    fprintf(security not attainable

)end %% upper/lower bound and sensitivity analysis

% upper bound[theta,~,~,~,u] = linprog(p,-S,-payoff);upper_bnd = theta*p tol = 1e-6;index = find(abs(u.ineqlin) > tol);b99 = max(S(:,1)-99,0);theta99 = S(index,:)99(index);checksens_upper = (min(S*theta99 – b99)>=-tol)new_upper_bnd = upper_bnd + (b99-payoff)*u.ineqlin % lower bound[theta,~,~,~,u] = linprog(-p,S,payoff);lower_bnd = theta*p index = find(abs(u.ineqlin) > tol);theta99 = S(index,:)99(index);checksens_lower = (max(S*theta99 – b99)<=tol)new_lower_bnd = lower_bnd + (b99-payoff)*u.ineqlinOutput:Optimization terminated.pi =    0.1443    0.0454    0.0256    0.0318    0.1796    0.0658    0.0121    0.1108    0.0301    0.0001    0.0261    0.0433    0.0296    0.0586    0.0935    0.0066    0.0715    0.0530    0.0646    0.0318rank_coefficient =    10rank_augmented =11security not attainableOptimization terminated.upper_bnd =   28.2009checksens_upper =     1new_upper_bnd =   28.6513Optimization terminated.lower_bnd =   13.4915checksens_lower =     1new_lower_bnd =   13.83902. Pricing a gas supply contract

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S Matrixs And Upper Bound. (June 27, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/s-matrixs-and-upper-bound-essay/