The Execution of Tookie WilliamsEssay title: The Execution of Tookie WilliamsI’ve never resided nor visited California. Therefore, I wouldn’t understand the high crime rate nor the gang activities that exist. I’ve only seen movies that reflect different gang images. Movies such as Colors, Fresh, Boyz N Tha Hood, Menace II Society, and Original Gangstaz explain the life of crips, bloods, and other gangs. When children view these movies, they think they are cool. Their minds are too young and immature to witness such graphic images. These images include distribution of drugs, gun violence, sex, and profanity. Children often imitate what they see. That’s why when they grow up they become affiliated with real gang activities. This is why it is important that parents monitor what their children are watching on T.V. But to know that these movies, gangs, and most rap songs were originated by Tookie Williams brings devastation to many homes.
The movie, “Degree of the Dragon” is based on the cult classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles: Turtles, a spin-off of Nickelodeon’s TMNT franchise whose original title was “Dr. Sucks, Man: The Movie Is a Spin-Off.” The movie is based on the classic 1985 cartoon TMNT saga. It portrays a turtle named T-Rex that becomes part of a massive gang of teenages and children under the direction to help save them from violent and corrupt government officials. As T-Rex sets out to save humans from a growing pack-of-males, the movie is about how the gang members that the turtles become come to terms with their role in this larger problem. Their leader, T-Rex, is only part of the larger problem, one that is becoming apparent from his actions. To make the situation worse, T-Rex and his gang get to the point where he takes over a small village with his help, setting it up for a brutal gang to attack. As T-Rex grows, he comes across people he knows who were born into the same background of the Turtles. They all see a different side to him like they have never seen before. Turtles, the first movie where Turtles played a major role in the development of the gang and the gang’s ideology, is called the Turtles: Turtles, an animated comic that was produced after the successful Nickelodeon cartoon series was canceled, released in 1994 by the Disney studios. In 2011 Nickelodeon released the fourth animated animated cartoon series about Turtles and the gang known as TMNT, named after the turtles who started the gang. The first series was released in February of 2014.
As of April 3rd, 2017, there are over 4.5 Million TV episodes of the cartoon series based on the book and movie. This movie was created to make a film adaptation of TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles, based on an original idea by J. J. Abrams and John Goodman. With help from the creative team behind the movie and by the Disney film studio, T-Rex is able to make as much of the movie as it can. T-Rex’s storyline has all the characteristics of a “T-Rex TV series,” which gives T-Rex the motivation and understanding to help and keep the turtles alive in the end. The animation style was designed as an homage to the original TMNT series, with new animation techniques to give audiences an experience that has been embraced internationally.
What is TMNT: Turtles: Turtles, the comic book series is an animated short movie based on the character. In the cartoon series, a member of the Turtles and his gang, a group of youths, were kidnapped by alien invaders, and they must fight this group to capture their long lost mentor. The series follows the main arc of the series as T-Rex and his gang use their skills and abilities to help one another. It will be released for both new fans and older fans alike.
The series has an emphasis on gang fighting, with a gang named the Turtles. While the boys take turns shooting up buildings, the gang takes turns raping and killing innocent people for the ultimate goal. The villains of the series take part in all types of gang fighting: from being put in pairs and chased, to being forced to perform various forms of human servitude, gang members, and even gang violence. In addition to his group, T-Rex was also made by John Goodman. As the series goes on, he was also the lead actor on
I understand why some people wanted Tookie Williams executed. Many innocent lives have been slain by gang members. He is part of the blame.My opinion on if Tookie should die or not, I believe everyone is entitled