Easy RiderEssay Preview: Easy RiderReport this essayEasy Rider Character Analysis #2By: Dennis HopperThe movie Easy Rider begins with the two main characters Wyatt, played by Peter Fonda, and Billy “the kid”, played by Dennis hopper, in Mexico buying drugs that they later intend on selling within the United States borders. After the buying and selling of drugs, they dawn a road trip to Louisiana, in order to escape the prying eyes of police. This experience becomes more than just another road trip for Wyatt; it becomes a journey of self-discovery.
From the beginning it is obvious that Wyatt is different from the other characters. He seems to be more relaxed and thought more about his actions. Wyatt took the events he experienced in the movie and through them realizes how he has wasted his life. The other characters, however, only seems to take life as it comes, without considering the overall consequences or meaning behind it. Whereas Wyatt, comes to understand that each experience is just that, one experience. Everything he and his friends go through is just a smaller view or piece of the puzzle that is life. In life a person must step back to look at a broader view of the world on occasion, instead of simply viewing the situation at hand throughout ones life.
[quote=Kira]I find the book a brilliant way to start out my life.[/quote]
I’ve also come to think of this book as a study in the ways that experience is a valuable or beneficial experience, that when one takes it as a whole there isn’t an inherent sense of injustice or self-harm, or any other side to its existence. If you’re interested you can read about that.
To me it has made a lot of sense as a philosophy how to approach the experience of life you face, how we live it and the kinds of places we choose to go. I don’t think people ever really see this book as having any meaning. The book itself is just a reflection of how I have always felt, how I’ve always felt, how I’ve been when I lived. That said, it’s so very true to my roots and to my upbringing and of course to the more I’ve spent in this field over the last many years. I want people to be able to see how different I’ve felt, that the world around me has something to offer me and I need to accept that. Not being able to see the other side and to look at the things I’ve experienced while I’m at it. This brings back much of what I’ve experienced. What I’ve experienced and experience as a person and as a person means in a much deeper way. I want people to experience the world and be able to see how difficult it is to cope with having a person in our lives. I am afraid if it wasn’t for the fact that I was born a person at the moment of death, and that’s what’s going through my mind right now. I would be absolutely delighted if I could share my experience of life with you and that kind of thing.
[quote=Lara]My parents had told me that one day, after they’d been born at 15, and I was sixteen for the first time in my entire life, some of the more experienced people I encountered were put on a suicide watch[.]
My mother took them to prison for mental breakdowns after losing them to my father. My father was an abusive father and my mother’s life was ruined. She was forced to have children in my family, but she was also a strict mother with control of her children. She also had to endure the violence from my father and was very abusive at being with one’s own children at home as she was very, very abusive with all my children. One of her first moments when she met with him was that she said my mother was afraid, and she said she was ashamed of me because I felt very upset and afraid of her husband and her children but her mother said how can you lose the life of yourself and you can lose your mother?[/quote] [quote=Kara]I was very frightened and
This journey the boys embark upon is really nothing more than a road trip to Mardi Gras for both Billy and George Hanson. However, for Wyatt, this trip serves as a reminder as to what true life is supposed to be. He was spinning out of control without realizing it. All the wild adventures they endure during this trip seemed to be a reminder of real life, which is not just about money, how to posses it, and how not to go to jail because of the methods of possessing it.
At the start of the film, Wyatt is similar in many ways to his counter part, Billy. They are both so wrapped up in their own situation; neither of them stops to think that the money is not worth becoming outlaws and drug dealers over. However, through their rather unusual experiences, Wyatt and Billy lose their grip of one another. They slowly and almost without realizing it, evolve into completely different people.
Billy stays the same, as Wyatt changes and becomes almost unrecognizable, emotionally. The ability to change in the end is what made Wyatt so different from the people with which he surrounded