Zero Hour Employment ContractsA Good Thing…?
[pic 1][pic 2]Module Code: UGB 117Module Title: Contemporary Debates in Business ManagementTitle of AssignmentZero Hour Employment Contracts…A Good Thing…?Tutor’s Name : KAYLEIGH WATSONLecturers Name :MR. SHANMUGAMName : AARON SAVIOUR A/L YAKOPO (149102283)Date of Submission : 15/ 5/ 2015BA (HONS) BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENTASSIGNMENT COVER SHEETStudent Name: Aaron Saviour A/L Yakopo Module Leader: Kayleigh watsonModule:UGB117 Contemporary Debates in Business ManagementAssignment due date: 15thMay2015Assignment title/number: Zero Hour Employment Contracts…A Good Thing…?Submission Date: 15th May 2015Learning outcomes assessed:
FeedbackMarksPoints of commendation:Points for development:I confirm that in submitting this assignment that I have read, understood and adhered to the programme rules and procedures governing infringements of assessment regulationsStudent Signature:Lecturers Signature:Initial Grade:Moderators Signature:Final Grade:(Subject to ratification by assessment board)APPENDIX AASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTNOCriteriaMarks AllotedMarks Awarded1Relevance Directly relevant to the requirements of the assessment. Focused on the task and avoid irrelevant material. 20%2KnowledgeSubstantial knowledge of relevant material, showing a clear grasp of themes, questions and issues. Demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of the relevant material. Good use of applications and examples. 20%3Analysis Good analysis, clear and orderly. Avoid too much description. 20%4Argument and Structure Coherent and logically structured, using an appropriate mode of argument and/or theoretical model(s)10%5Critical Evaluation Distinctive or independent thinking.20%6Presentation (weighting 5%)Well written, with standard spelling and grammar. Readable style with acceptable format – with headings and sub-headings 5%7Reference to LiteratureVery good use of source material. Uses a range of sources5%Total100%Zero Hour Employment Contracts…A Good Thing…?1.0 Introduction What are zero hour contracts? Zero-hours a contract lets the employers to appoint employees without any assurance of job. Furthermore, they require workers work only when they are wanted by employers. Furthermore, employees’ salary is determined by on how many hours they work. Certain zero-hours contracts need employee’s takings the shifts they are presented. Sick and injuries fee is repeatedly cannot refund in zero-hour contracts (Gov.Uk, 2015).Besides that, zero-hour contract has remained practice in several improvement nations for example United Kingdom (UK), Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Other than that, many business companies are extra satisfied with the zero- hour contracts ever since it had been originally present in year 1998. Besides that, employees are much likely to job below the zero- hour contracts additionally because they drive many benefits from it.