Hurrican Katrina
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Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
On August 23rd the United States National Hurricane Center broadcasted a report saying that Tropical Depression 12 had formed over the south eastern Bahamas. The next day it was upgraded to Tropical Storm Katrina, and unfortunately following that, upgraded to the fourth hurricane for the year 2005. Hurricane Katrina was overall classified as a Category 5 with wind speeds up to 175mph; devastating effects followed. The effects of this storm all tie in with one another. Economically, politically, sociologically, and ecologically, this storm has affected a lot of people.

Economically, Katrina has knocked down structures that cost millions of dollars to build. The states that Katrina hit the hardest were Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi. For example, in Christian County, Kentucky, Christian County High school just collapsed. The school system was having a hard rebuilding the school because they did not have enough money. By not have the regular amount schools the children education was not as good.

Politically, Katrina has brought attention to the government. Many people are unhappy with their response to the hurricane itself and the aftermath as well. Our government did accept help from other countries because the pride of America has. People were also mad about how the storage of dangerous chemicals that was the reason for water pollution in flood areas.

Sociologically, people are really upset. Homes and places of work were gone. Many of their relatives and friends were maybe missing for dead. A natural disaster can almost be more painful. than

Ecologically, Katrina also had a great effect on the areas it hit. Not only were animals killed, and plant life uprooted and destroyed, but water pollution is without doubt happening everywhere the flood water rises. Sewage is the least of your

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Aftermath Of Hurricane Katrina And Tropical Storm Katrina. (June 27, 2021). Retrieved from