Etched In Jello
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After reading the book, Cooperative Discipline, by Linda Albert, I was more aware of the teachers interventions used to modify the students behaviors. This observation took place in June 2006, at De La Salle High school. It is a coed, catholic, paraochial, high school in uptown New Orleans. Located in a middle to upper middle class neighborhood on St. Charles avenue. The name I use for my first teacher (since he has long hair) will be Mr. Fabio. Now, Mr. Fabio teaches Science and the topic of the day was matter. The lesson lesson lasted two hours with worksheet assignments handed out for the students to complete before class was through. There were nine students in the class; all were repeating the course in summer school. One particular student, Ill call “Elvis”, was displaying attention-seeking behavior. He was very talkative, fidgety, looking out of the window and what was happening outside; however, the commotion was distracting even for the teacher. Mr. Fabio refused to acknowledge Elvis when he turned and looked out of the window or started talking to another student. The behavior would stop for a little while then would start up again. I counted three times Mr. Fabio refused to respond. On the fourth disturbance, getting out of desk and walking over to another student while Mr. Fabio turned around, Elvis was moved. He put out into the hallway where he wouldnt have inclusion with the other students. Elvis lost his freedom of interaction with other students. This was unexpected by anyone when Mr. Fabio ceased teaching temporarily to move a desk for Elvis into the hallway. Elvis got the attention he wanted, and the rest of the class could move on with the lesson. Occasionally, Elvis would reenter the room to ask some inane question about his work. I think he got lonely in the hallway. He wasnt able to return to the class until he had finished his assignment and taken a makeup quiz. This was his restitution to the teacher in order to return to the class. I think that clearer boundaries or more immediate intervention with Elvis would have prevented such measures. Although, this was the first time Ive ever met this student, I dont know what is expected from this student. Its almost apparent that this student has had a history of behavioral problems. This is evident in the way the teacher seemed used to his annoying antics. Another student, “Elton”, was very sleepy. He was uninspired; he seemed like a capable student, who could do the work. He just wouldnt. Mr. Fabio, asked him a direct question about the lesson, Elton, what are you supposed to be reading?” He then asked Elton to put away his book and do a worksheet on the lesson. So, by changing Eltons activity, he woke him up and “inspired” him to do his work.

Ive mostly talked about the male students in the class; However, lets not forget the girls in the class. I found, their behavior in the classroom was a little different. For the most part, the girls were quiet and studied and read together. This seemed typical, except for “Beyonce”. Beyonce hadnt studied very much, and wasnt able to answer questions when asked. Her reasoning was, “I went fishing with my parents last night.” Mr. Fabio then explained that he loved fishing as well, he does it often, but, Beyonce should be studying to pass, not going fishing late at night. This gave Beyonce a choice in which behavior she should choose. She was told that she always came into class with a negative attitude and doesnt even try to do her work. She seemed a little passive power seeking, when she would agree with the teacher and then do what she wanted, talk to her friend. I would have changed the seating arrangement. On a final note, when Mr. Fabio left the room, I was left in charge to maintain order. Im the new “inexperienced” teacher, so I felt I was an easy mark. Anything could happen. Elvis and Elton started talking, while Beyonce took out her cell phone to make a call. Elvis got out of his seat and the noise level continued to escalate. I waited a few moments before I asked in a calm, controlled tone, “who can tell me what the procedure is when the teacher leaves the room?” They replied, ” to be quiet and do our work.” I gave them the look, they proceeded to do their work. Easy enough eh? This is the beginning of my teaching intervention technique, so everything is still etched in jello.

posted by Scott at 8:25 PM 1 comments
Mary Ann Doyle
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Mr. Fabio And Teachers Interventions. (June 27, 2021). Retrieved from