Empire of the Sun IntroductionEmpire of the Sun IntroductionEssay ParagraphThe theme of ‘coming of age is focused in Empire of the Sun. Before Jim is taken from his luxurious and glamorous life in shanghai and put in a detention camp he appreciates very little of what he has. Although in the detention camp, he is separated from him parents who do everything for him, he has to learn and find skills to be independent and matures into a young man who is able to keep himself alive in the detention camp. He faces death and illness in the detention camp and is made to mature and grow up before he should. He learns to realise how good his life was back in shanghai where he had his own chauffeur, food cooked and served to him whenever he pleased and a big and beautiful mansion to live in. When he is taken to the detention camp he is faced with the constant threat of death due to sickness and surviving through a world war as a young boy, by himself
Empire of the Sun by Brian De La SalleEmpire of the Sun by Brian De La SalleEssay ParagraphThe Theme of ‘being in charge of society. A young man from a prosperous family, Jim is put on guard for his mother and father. The father of him and his wife has a mental illness which leads to him being forced to become a teacher and learn to manage his problems.
A young man from a wealthy family, Jim is put on guard for his mother and his father.
Jim and his family have an insane condition which leads to his own suicide.
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