Social Media
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As the definition on Socialmediafined website, “Social media is Social Media is the future of communication, a countless array of internet based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. This new form of media makes the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and information in general increasingly fluid among internet users.” It is enhancing our capacity for human connection and relationship because its no boundary, it is high – speed, and it includes variety of tools.

First of all, there is no boundary in social media. How nice it would be to have an effortless digital connection anywhere we wanted in the house. We are living in invisible waves of connection. Those wifi waves connect us to outside world. As William Power wrote in Hamlets BlackBerry that, “Catch a digital wave, and we were sitting on top of the world. We could see ourselves happily surfing from a chaise in the backyard.” (176) Everyone from other countries around the world can connect to each other easily with no fence. I can be in the U.S and watch the Vietnamese talk show in Vietnam through YouTube. Or we dont need to take an airplane from Singapore in Asia to France in Europe just to relatives about the upcoming event such as your wedding. We can stay at home talk to them those information through email, Skype, or facebook. William Power concerned in Hamlets BlackBerry that “If we suddenly needed a recipe or were curious about the overnight stock market numbers from Asia or wondering if the HR folks had replied to our last message or just wanted to wave to Grampa, we could reach out as easily as we do for the butter dish, touch a spot on the wall, or say a few words and make it happen.” (177) Therefore, social media is enhancing our capacity for human connection and relationship.

In addition, social media brings the high-speed to our live. We live by the unquestioned assumptions of our culture: the faster is always better, efficiency rules. Time is what we feel we dont have. Because time is money, time is of the essence. We would be living in and moving through social media all the time. In Sacred Time and the Search for Meaning, Gary Eberle said that: “We have already started our workday by reading last nights e-mail on our home computer while finishing our instant breakfast. As we pull out of the driveway, we make the first phone calls of the day from our cell phone to get things set at the office.” (1) People evaluate the function of social media that it is experiencing a shift that is allowing millions of people to receive information at a rate never experienced before.

Last but not least, social media is enhancing our capacity for human connection and relationship through variety of tools. In the year 2012, it became one of the most powerful age for huge information source and communication. A usual scene we can see when going outside

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Social Media And William Power. (June 28, 2021). Retrieved from