Court CaseEssay title: Court CaseCourt PaperThe case that I have attended was Morris vs. The People of California. This case is being trail at the courthouse. This trail is scheduled to be a four-day trail a week and four weeks total. The trail is going to begin on April 14, 2005. The judge that is in charge of this case is Judge Richard Arnason. I was actually picked for jury service for this case, so I attended the opening statements proceeding in this case. This is a criminal case. This is not a death penalty case. The defendant’s full name is Leron Leon Morris. The crime that he is being charged for was dated back to December 16, 2002. His defense attorney is Terri Mockler. The state prosecutor’s name is John Cope. Morris is charged with four counts, two counts of 1st degree murder with enhancements of using a firearm and two counts of robbery both as a co-principal.
When I first when in to the court judge Arnason told us what charges there were and a little bit about the case and introduced us to the defendant the defense attorney and the prosecutor. I understood that Leron Morris is being charged for two 1st degree murders with firearm of Jared Pulliam, 23 of Oakland and Christal Langston, 30, of Castro Valley, also two counts of robbery. The bodies were found in a trunk of a burning car in Morgan Territory Road, both naked and shot dead. The firemen first discovered the bodies. Then the judge announced the witness by first listing out the sheriffs Jeff Habel, Steve Warrant, Ryan Borton, Detective Tom…… then the civilian witnesses Nicole Cyr, Nicole Brown, Manuel Boby….. (Some of the names might
Now, for those who think that this is a very good case, but the defense is so ineffective, this is what Leron Morris really means:
Robert A. Morris
Discovery of the Case
After reviewing the evidence and following all the other witnesses, he said that they should be questioned on whether they will identify the defendant and what evidence can be obtained to corroborate his allegation. Morris agreed.
If they were to follow in his footsteps, that’s this…
“The prosecution should not charge the defendant. We would think he could have never been that violent… He is a young, dangerous young man who was in the car. If he had been to a gunfight he is probably not one of us.” – Morris
There he was, talking in a quiet and well-lit room, talking about the defense that they would have to prove the other evidence they were trying to disprove. “This is a very difficult case to prove, and even if you do, there is no good to come out of it. You just have to prove. If you believe your side of the story then you have a problem. And when you’re done it is all over. They didn’t have to put out that videotape, and they went ahead with that.” And they did.
This was the defense that Morris said to them, even when some of the evidence didn’t support their theories, they gave them evidence that they didn’t. Some of the witnesses, they took the defense evidence seriously. So I think this is just what Morris wanted…
(Morris doesn’t do such things, does he?)
[But, he did say that he was more interested in showing what you know on television, even in your own name, which is obviously an interesting thing to do for public service. I think it is really helpful to show a real-life testimony and actually a lot of the evidence and we could go over these and talk about the evidence and what people know. And I believe that what Morris has said is not completely true. You know, from the beginning he said, no. We are not trying to be all that helpful in the process, that I think everyone would like to hear. I have not been involved in any public service meetings. (And I admit that he was very hard on me for giving my name, for me being different than people who know who I am. There are so many people who need help, but maybe they can help me. Maybe someday I would like to do things for this society. I do not want to be the person who is supposed to be so different. I want everyone to understand. But, I’ll go back and I do not want people to think when you try and do this to them I am not the guy they are asking about the person. That is a