Fortune Favours the Bold
Though cliché, the phrase “Fortune favours the bold” is best used to describe the business man or
trader who ventures into the emerging economies, out of their comfort zone, into the unknown.
Fortunes are made and lost in an instance. Stories of businesses in emerging markets always seem to
be shady and dangerous and more often than not, we are afraid to take a step into the market due
to the lack of information that we have about the emerging markets.
As Karl Augustus Menninger said, Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out.
The main aim of this article and of SMU’s Emerging market as a whole is to educate investors and
students alike about the benefits, dangers, risk and reward of the emerging markets and allow them
to make an informed decision by themselves. Knowledge is power, and with the right research and
angle that we undertake, we hope that you will be able to learn more about the emerging market
and succeed as the next big business or investor.
We are fortunate to be located in Singapore, a financial and knowledge hub for Asia with strong
governmental support and opportunities abound. We hope that in one way or another, we are able
to contribute to Singapore’s enterprises and budding entrepreneurs through our reports and
Classification and Characteristics of an Emerging Market
The definition of

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Fortune Favours And Karl Augustus Menninger. (June 28, 2021). Retrieved from