Business Communication Trends
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Business Communication Trends
Over the last 50 years, communication in the business world has gone through a lot of changes. The way businesses have their meetings, send memos, send letters, and just simply communicate with their employees has changed dramatically. We no longer write letters to our customers, we e mail them, we do not even give that little thank you handshake. The business world communication today deals with the e mails, text messages, telecommunications, fax machines, Blackberrys, cell phones.

As a Night Auditor, for a hotel chain, technology plays a big part in my nightly activities. The computer is the main part of my work. I run a hotel software system, called FOSSE, that allows me to do my audit using one button. On this computer software, I have to run a backup every night so we have the days activities backed up in case of a computer crash. I also have a lot of reports to print out and then I can run ,what is called a one-button audit, which means I just push one button. The other software that plays a big part in our business in the Microsoft Word program. We use Microsoft excel during the audit to post into the journals after the audit. Then we have the fax machine, to be able to send paperwork to three different numbers every night. My managers use emails a lot so all of us with Blackberrys have the companys e mail server sent up in our phones.

With the computer system and softwares, todays communication in business plays a very big role in my daily activities to perform my job correctly. If it had not been for the computers the company would not be able to communicate with others after work if it was important.

In the business world today, there are several different trends to include the following: balancing work and the family, globalization and out sourcing, rapid rate of change, job flexibility.

One trend that I have seen over the years and have done it myself is balancing family and work. my employer allows us to take time off for the kids when they have things going on at school, and even will change your schedule to adjust with the kids going back to school. They will give you time off for family vacations. They allow you to be late if needed for when the schools have to close or are on a delay. Men and women now in most businesses have maternity leave, this allows the father to be home as well to take care of the expected parent.

Another trend that affects our daily activities at the workplace and at home is technology. In the workplace, businesses use it 24/7, it is the communication relied upon to be able to communicate with all the employees and the customers. How well technology is used and managed cane determine if the business losses money or gains it and how well the business produces. With technology, businesses are allowed to go all over the globe and very simply conduct business over e mails or

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Business Communication Trends And Business World. (June 28, 2021). Retrieved from