Hook Reflection Paper
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REC 2401 – Fall 2013
Instructor: Rita Hayes
ASSIGNMENT: Hook Reflection Paper
DUE DATE Tuesday, September 24, 2013
In the beginning of the film Peter perceives leisure to be something to do only if there is time after work. Work was priority for him. Even at his daughters play when his phone rang he took the phone call and not pay attention to the play. He was always caught up in work all the time he even misses his own sons baseball game. Even during the trip to Wendys house he is focused more on work and other matters rather than spending time with his kids.
Wendy perceives leisure as being a kid who has time to have fun and never have to worry about anything else in life. As for the children they perceive leisure to spend time with their family. For Jack, Peters son, he perceives leisure to be where his dad comes to enjoy his baseball game together.
Peters attitude before he grew up was that he ever wanted to grow up to be an adult. He wanted to remain a kid so that he could have fun all the time. For example when Peter had the flashback about when he was a baby he mentions that “I did not want to grow up because all grownups have to die”. Another example was when he flew home to his parents only to find out that they have forgotten him. This shows that he did not want to grow up.
Peter would visit Wendy every spring. But every time he would visit her she would grow older and peter would be the same kid she met when she was young. He started to grow up when he finally saw Wendys granddaughter when he visited her when she was old. An example is when he gave Wendys daughter a real kiss. Another example is when he was at the hospital and Jack was born. This shows that peter finally grew up and became an adult like the rest of society.
As I prepare for the real world I may have strict hours and possibly a long commute. And very few breaks. In order to have time for spontaneous adventure and time for leisure activities I will try to live closer to my work place. By living close it will reduce the long commute that I will have to do if I live far from work. The short commute will make up for the possible short breaks I might have at work. Another solution is to try to leave work not to work late in order to make up for the short breaks I might have. If I have strict hours I will try and make the weekend available so that I can have some family time.
My mother used to be like Peter when she used to be busy. She would not have time to do anything with the family. The only time she would have time was at night after work for an hour or two before it was