Ontology and Epistemology
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Ontology and EpistemologyPhilosophical ontology is the science which relates to what really exist in the world and it is the record of reality. This theory is about the world and the real things. Ontology can be defined as a branch of philosophy which about the nature and the reality of organization (Guarino and Giaretta, 1995). Formally, the main idea of ontology is represented by the knowledge constructed by some conceptions which are the objects, thoughts, and other bodies. In some areas about interest and the holding relationships, those conceptions are all supported by the real lives (Genesereth and Nilsson, 1987).Epistemology is also a branch of philosophy. It is always linked to the nature and the theory of knowledge, it is a justified belief and the research of knowledge. Epistemology have challenged what knowledge is and where it from, as well as the extend about how to get these knowledges. As recording, a philosopher (Plato, 400) noted that all mind of people and all the foundations of knowledge are based on beliefs of thought. According to ontology and epistemology, firstly, the common views about ontology are idealism and materialism. The meaning of idealism is that there is no reality exists in the world. It mentioned that everything will come accompanying with their experience (George Berkeley 1712). Materialism is an opinion caused by epistemology which is all things happened is physical material. Secondly, the popular cognitions about epistemology are positivism and interpretivism. Positivism is a knowledge which is certain and unquestionable, and it is a philosophy comprehension. Interpretivism is linked to the reality and used to combined with various methods.Ontological knowledge is superior to epistemological knowledge. Because ontology is about the truth and what is real exist, and epistemology is about what can be used to prove the truth. Additionally, ontology is the research of how the nature formed and existed. But epistemology is focused on traditional explanations not the knowledge (Pollock & Cruz,1999), and it believes that things are subjective. The representatives about these two knowledges are Plato and Aristotle. Drake, T. (2014). Ontology and epistemology. Brills Companion to Seneca. Brill.

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