Introduction of Zhouying Village in China – Case Study – grunt_
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Introduction of Zhouying Village in China
Summary of current situation:
It is transformed into qingjian group, zhouying community, qiaolin street, pukou district, nanjing city. The qingjian group is located behind zhouying village. The village is built on the mountain, with a bamboo mountain in the rear, egrets in groups, and a beautiful ecological environment. The construction land of qingjian village is located in a relatively gentle area, with more reservoirs in the village and the zhouying river crossing from the east and south of the village.

Existing problems:
The road accessibility is good, but the road condition is not good, the two sides are not green, the color is single; The reservoirs are not safe and beautiful, and lack of water-loving facilities; The overall distribution of residential buildings is relatively scattered; The main entrance space of the village is small, and the green planting is simple and disorganized, lacking the low level of shrubs and flowers, and there is no landscape marker that can serve as the entrance prompt and display the image of the village.

This time, we are committed to renovating the residential areas of the north and west of the great reservoir, and promoting local economic development through tourism, increasing employment opportunities and improving the living standards of farmers.

The entrance is placed with a marker, which gives visitors a hint and presents the image of zhouying village. A small square is set on the left to provide a resting place. Villagers can also gather here. On the right hand side also put the sign, the image introduced zhouying village. The wooden seat beside the road is easy to rest, the landscape lamp provides the view. The two sides are rich in green, shrubs and trees, high and low, strewn at random.

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(2018, 01). Introduction of Zhouying Village in China. Retrieved 01, 2018, from
“Introduction of Zhouying Village in China” 01 2018. 2018. 01 2018 < "Introduction of Zhouying Village in China.", 01 2018. Web. 01 2018. < "Introduction of Zhouying Village in China." 01, 2018. Accessed 01, 2018. Essay Preview By: grunt_ Submitted: January 20, 2018 Essay Length: 504 Words / 3 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 319 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays China as Most Favored Nation China as Most Favored Nation Essay written by Luke Allison What is the debate on weather or not China should retain favored-nation trading status all 3,441 Words  |  14 Pages Rise of Communism in China Rise of Communism in China Introduction The main reason why the Communists came to power in China was because of the failing policies and actions 3,038 Words  |  13 Pages Imperialism - in India and China Imperialism is the domination of a weaker country by a stronger country. For instance Britain dominated India and China in the mid 1880s to the 739 Words  |  3 Pages China Education System: Past, Present, and Future China Education System: Past, Present, and Future. Jocelyn F. Smith Global Operations and Strategy School of Professional Studies Professor: Emilio Iodice It is hard to 4,019 Words  |  17 Pages Similar Topics Introduction Expert Systems Brief Introduction Abot Kamay Inc Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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