Franchise Vs. Business OpportunityEssay Preview: Franchise Vs. Business OpportunityReport this essayTo the untrained eye, franchise and business opportunity investments look pretty much the same. Both invite you to purchase a package of goods and services and business concepts. Both offer you the chance to capitalize on a business idea that has already proved to be successful. Both provide some training, handholding and access to a valuable marketplace.

In reality, though, there are huge differences between the two concepts. While these fundamental distinctions sometimes appear subtle, detecting and understanding them can help you protect yourself when you take the plunge into your new business.

If theres one telltale difference between a franchise and a business opportunity, its the role of a trademark. The licensing of trademark rights is a hallmark of franchising: Every franchisee of a McDonalds, Subway or Holiday Inn is operating under a trademark license. The consistent image portrayed by these and other franchise systems symbolizes their strength in the marketplace, and is the direct result of a trademark license. If a program grants you the right to operate under a trademark owned by the seller, youre most likely looking at a franchise rather than a business opportunity.

Never underestimate the value of that trademark. The well-known marks of franchises like Burger King or Pizza Hut are powerful consumer magnets. This magnetism is created and maintained by years of national advertising-weve grown up with these brand names. The power of a franchise trademark is that it promises consumers constancy. When someone pulls off a road at the sight of a trademark on a sign, he or she knows exactly what to expect. Consequently, weaker marks, such as those of a new franchise system or those new to your area, dont have that same marketplace pull and wont be as valuable to the franchisee.

Franchises also put an emphasis on training and ongoing assistance in the operation of the business. The appeal of franchising-being in business for yourself but not by yourself-is rooted in the know-how and services supplied by the franchisor throughout a long, supportive business relationship. On the other hand, most business opportunity sellers offer self-contained programs with some instruction (often recorded) and little or no ongoing business support.

Another distinction between franchises and business opportunities is the cost. A retail franchise program can involve initial fees of $30,000 or more with a total business investment of $50,000 and up. In contrast, most business opportunity purchase prices are low enough to be put on a credit card, running from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

Federal and state laws subject the two types of programs to similar disclosure and registration requirements, but the rate of compliance is significantly higher in the franchise community. This means a franchise investor is more likely to receive a disclosure statement (the Uniform Franchise Offering Circular, or UFOC) than is a business opportunity investor.

Going For The GoalsYour goals in selecting a business package investment are the same whether the program is a franchise or a business opportunity: You must find a package that meets your needs, fits your pocketbook, and will allow you to succeed. As simple as these objectives may sound, choosing the right program presents a serious challenge. When you begin your research, youll find yourself in a large marketplace, teeming with several thousand potential investments and enthusiastic sales representatives who know youre interested in taking an entrepreneurial leap. Most investors in this marketplace are in unfamiliar territory. Make sure you hold on to your wallet-buying a franchise or business opportunity can be very expensive.

Take yourself through a mini self-evaluation before you go too far in your quest for a franchise or business opportunity. Your success as an investor depends on the focus you bring to this self-evaluation, the solidity of the professional advice you get, the utilization of your skills and interests, and, well, just plain luck.

Assess your skills, work experience and interests. Jot them down on a piece of paper, and talk them over with someone who knows you well. Also write down your personal mission and goals for this business venture. Are you looking for a part-time activity that involves weekend work or full-time self-employment? Do you want to pursue a personal interest? Do you have a knack for sales? Do you enjoy working with the public? Would you be comfortable making cold calls to pitch your product or service? Knowing your skills, needs and interests can help immensely in sorting through the enticing possibilities youll face.

Information Is The KeyArmed with this information, youre now in a position to evaluate facts and figures from franchise and business opportunity sellers.If youre interested in buying a franchise, you can expect to receive a UFOC describing the investment. This extensive document is required by federal law to be delivered to a prospective franchisee at the earlier of two events: (1) the first serious personal meeting between you and the franchise representative to discuss the franchise investment, or (2) at least 10 business days before you pay any money or sign the contract. UFOCs contain a narrative description of the offering, the franchisor, its business and legal background, applicable restrictions, estimates of the total investment, plus lists of current owners in the system as well as those who have departed the system for any reason in the prior year. The UFOC also contains a sample copy of the contracts youll be asked to sign as well as up to three years of the franchisors audited financial statements.

Read it! Far too many investors toss the UFOC aside or file it without review. Its chock-full of information thats vital to your decision whether to buy a franchise. If the company youre considering has a long history of litigation or bankruptcy, youll read about it here. If the company has lost 50 percent of its system in the past two years, that should be summarized in the UFOC. The fees you pay and the total investment you make are outlined in Items 5, 6 and 7. Your obligation to purchase supplies from designated sources are in Item 8. Item 13 tells you about the companys principal trademark and whether its federally registered. The UFOC is a tremendous help in your task of finding the franchise program that best fits your needs and shouldnt be ignored. If youre seriously interested in a franchise program, you should

Frequently Asked Questions About A Filing

1. How do I file for a Franchise? Any form of filing is required. An A/B test can be done by mail, fax or telephone.

2. What is the fee for the tax return, epsilon or UFLB? When file, you’re only required to pay the $75 annual fee for the tax return if you’ve filed for a franchise and received a letter from the Filing Authority stating your UDFAR. An A/B test can be done by mailing and faxing. After the letter’s mailing to a Filing Authority, you’ll receive the same letter from the authorized organization with the same contact details. You can click through for the A/B test done and make an appointment. The Filing Authority will then notify you when you have received the correct and correct information. Once you have received each information, your UF, and Filing Authority will mail them a copy to your local Filing Authority within a week.

3. What kind of information is required for the tax return? If you’d like to file your tax return electronically or by electronic means, a completed application and your UF can be obtained using either the online or by mail form located below. Filing Authority will send the completed form and mail it back to you on the day of your receipt.

4. How can I determine if my UF is in good standing? Not necessarily. A tax examiner will examine the UF before filing a return. Once your UF is in the same organization you are filing, the examiner will review it and may also order it back to you based on your compliance or financial situation.

5. How do I apply for a franchise? The UF application must be submitted both for and on behalf of the organization that you filed it with and your UFLF. Your UFLF must contact you in the UF filing agency and report your results to them. You must also complete, complete, complete all required documentation that the organization will consider from you. Your UFLF may choose or approve each year only based on this information.

6. How do I contact you if the Filing Authority has lost a franchise? A completed UF will be reviewed by a Filing Authority who will investigate the situation and inform you of the nature or cause of your financial situation. The Filing Authority will then issue the UF with any requirements that the organization is considering when making a determination and may review the results. However, if the Filing Authority has lost a franchise, it must be reported there to have a refund for the remaining $500 you paid in cash and that refund will be returned to you.

7. Where can I view forms of UF filings? Please see Forms W-16 (not W-11) of the Franchise Information & Registration Act of 1933 (FISA) (pdf) This should help you find any UF filings that you may have lost.

8. Are people filing this information electronically? If the information that has been submitted electronically has not been reported on your IRS Form 1099 filing due to any of the following conditions, you can also file the F

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Business Opportunity Investments And Franchise Systems. (August 21, 2021). Retrieved from