Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (hal) Lucknow Division
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Summer Training Report On APPLICATION OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATOIN IN AIRCFRAFT From[pic 1]HINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LIMITED (HAL) LUCKNOW DIVISIONUnder the guidance of supervisor from organizationSUBMITTED BYABHAY KUMAR DUBEYB.TECH (ECE), 7TH SEMESTERA7605111099[pic 2]Department of Electronics & Communication EngineeringAmity School of Engineering and TechnologyAMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH LUCKNOW CAMPUS, DECLARATION BY STUDENTI ABHAY KUMAR DUBEY  student of B. Tech  (ECE)  7th Semester Batch 2011-2015 hereby declare that Project title ”  APPLICATION OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATOIN IN AIRCFRAFT ” which is submitted by me to the department of Electronics and Communication , Amity School of Engineering and Technology, AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH, LUCKNOW Campus is partial fulfillment of 7th Semester term paper.Place :- LucknowABHAY KUMAR DUBEY(Student)Date :26/088/2014CERTIFICATEOn   the   basis   of   declaration   submitted   by    ABHAY KUMAR DUBEY, student of B.TECH ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING, 7th SEMESTER  batch 2011-2015. I hereby certify that training report which is submitted to the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Campus for Partial fulfillment of 7th Semester term paper is a contribution with existing knowledge and faithful record of work carried out by her under guidance and supervision.Place : LucknowDate :___________________                                                    _________________                                Signature:-                                                     Signature:-Prof. O.P. Singh                                             Dr. Geetika Srivastava(Prof. & Head of Department)                            (Asst. Professor)            Dept. Electronics & Communication                    Dept. Electronics & CommunicationASET, Amity  University                                     ASET, Lucknow

Amity UniversityACKNOWLEDGEMENTWhile presenting this project I express my sincere gratitude to almighty GOD for his grace and blessings that helped me to complete this project work successfully.HINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LIMITED LUCKNOW DIVISION for their valuable guidance without which it would have been difficult for me to complete my training.I am also grateful to all the staff members of HINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LIMITED LUCKNOW DIVISION for their co-operation of information and material required for preparation of this training report.        It was really a great experience working in the HINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LIMITED LUCKNOW DIVISION and learning from such experienced engineers with hands on experience on the subject.Abhay Kumar DubeyB.TECH (ECE), 7TH SEMESTEREnroll No. A7605111099Contents                                                                                                    Pg. No.                                         Introduction                                                                                                                          6 Hindustan Aeronautics Limited-An Overview                                                                 7-8 Vision                                                                                                                      9 Mission                                                                                                                    9  Values                                                                                                                     9  Divisions                                                                                                          11-12 Products Of HAL                                                                                             13-14Fighter Aircrafts                                                               13Passenger Aircrafts                                                          13Light Trainer Aircrafts                                                     13Transport Aircrafts                                                           13Helicopters                                                                       13Unmanned Aerial Vehicles                                              14Glider                                                                               14Hindustan Aeronautics Limited-Lucknow Division                                                   16 – 18Organizational Chart                                                                                              16System Layout                                                                                                17 – 18Aeronautics                                                                                                                 19 – 31Parts Of An Airplane and its Functions                                                          19 – 25The Fuselage Section                                                       19The Wing Section                                                             20Various Propeller Configurations                             21 – 23Jet Propulsion and Jet Engines                                 23 – 25The Use of Coordinate Axes in Aeronautics                                                  26 – 31Moving on three axes                                                 26 -27Stability                                                                     27 – 28Controlling Actions                                                  28 – 30Maneuverability                                                               31Suggestions                                                                                                                        43Conclusion                                                                                                                         44 References                                                                                                                          45CHAPTER – 1INTRODUCTIONTraining refers to the teaching or learning activities done for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization to acquire and apply the knowledge skills, abilities, and attitude needed by that organization to acquire and apply the same. Broadly speaking training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.

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