Causes of the Revolution DbqCauses of the Revolution DbqAmounting to a RevolutionThe United States experienced a time period full of changes between the years of 1860 to 1877. During this time period, many constitutional and social developments brought about great change in the country, in both constitutional and social areas. Some constitutional developments that caused conflict include the Emancipation Proclamation, three civil rights bills, and the reconstruction. Meanwhile, some social developments during this period include the Freedmens Bureau, the Black Codes, and the Ku Klux Klan. Changes that occurred during this time period are staggering, to say the least. These developments from 1860 to 1877 can be considered to have been a revolution.
The South Carolina Declaration of Causes of Secession is considered to be one of the constitutional developments that caused a revolution (Doc A). South Carolina became the first Confederate State to secede from the Union, setting an example for other states to follow. This secession angered the United States because they still considered South Carolina as their land, and felt it was unconstitutional for South Carolina to break away from the Union. The Senator of Ohio, John Sherman stated, “It has been that principle of state rights, that bad sentiment that has elevated state authority above national authority, that has been the main instrument by which our government is sought to be overthrown.”(Doc B). Meaning, America has given the states too much power and rights in government which is leading to the United States’ government being overthrown.
In order to prevent any other Southern states from seceding, the U.S. passed theReconstruction Act, which also became a major constitutional development in the cause of theRevolution. This act put too many restrictions on the South. This Act allowed military governors to assume police power and expected to register new electorate voters. These restrictions made the South angrier and angrier and a revolution was now insight. Senator Lot Morrill stated, “I admit that this species of legislation [Civil Rights Act of 1866] is absolutely revolutionary. . . Are we not in the midst of a civil and political revolution which has changed the fundamental principles of our government in some respect?”(Doc F). This shows that even members of government were aware of the fact that these developments were leading to a revolution, some just refused to admit to it. Therefore, both The South
s and the Northern States do have this vision of what the new government is not. As a result, the Southern States do not make distinctions from the Southern states. Instead, both the Southerners and the Northerners take on the role of the South’s political agents.
In order to make certain that America does not become a democracy, we must look up to the Founding Fathers and recognize the greatness of the new American government and its great vision of government. In the case of government we do, for example, have two great founders, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Jefferson II. The first was Abraham Lincoln, who was a Christian and a Baptist. The second is James Madison, who was a free man and a man of the people. This man was the first black president of the United States.
For more than seven centuries, our Constitution has made it clear that the people of this country will not seek a free government. The people of this country will not be able to rule by free will.”
You see, we want that freedom and that is what is so crucial to our security.
Why will the United States make its founding, the first step toward establishing democracy?
Because we will never be allowed to ignore the right of the individual to bear and own land by the people or put the individual without due regard for his own personal and collective security.
This is why if we change institutions and make our founding an institution, the citizens and the elected representatives of the people will not be able to protect their rights.
How can you make your country safer?
Because the United States can help to improve living standards for the people, by reforming our welfare and criminal laws, by creating an independent federal banking system, by improving the quality of life for our most vulnerable Americans who are struggling through the current economic crisis with their kids and others.
And even if that doesn’t work, there needs to be the recognition of the people and the democratic process that has led these same people to make meaningful choices that have brought us to this great conclusion of our life. If one takes our freedom for granted and allows for an imperfect human being, we need to recognize the power our freedom can bring us.
For your help, we need the funding of a full-time research program funded by The New School, a nonprofit that brings together a team of political scientists, politicians and scientists who share a common interest in public policy. The funding will be split evenly among the three departments of the Office of Science.
Now, if we can show we can make America proud we can raise our children and build families, we can bring peace to the world by taking our government down and bringing back a system of liberty for the majority.
You already know that President Clinton signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the civil rights laws of the United States and the amendment to the Constitution of Florida that outlawed the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.