Eng101 Editorial of Second Amendment – Essay – victoriao
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Eng101 Editorial of Second Amendment
Victoria OlatunjiENG-101-0331 January 2019Assignment #3: Editorial of Second AmendmentPlagued by violent crimes, mass shootings, school massacres, and a plethora of killings, the United States has become the center of gun violence. This growing epidemic is partly a matter of liberal gun laws, partially encouraged by the second amendment. The Second Amendment is a primary obstacle to gun control because it impedes the governments ability to regulate the sale and possession of firearms and it stifles the discussion of sensible gun laws.
In the last thirteen years, there have been more than two hundred mass killings in the United States, occurring at a rate of one every two weeks since 2006. The statistics of gun violence are alarming; Over 100,000 people are victims of a gunshot wound each year and more than 30,000 of those victims lose their lives and approximately 70% of all homicide in 2017 were committed with a gun.It is true that stricter gun laws would not have prevented these tragedies. But is likely that stricter measures could have minimized the number of casualties and number of incidents. Unquestionably, repealing the second amendment will not create a perfect crime-free society, nor will stricter gun laws create a world devoid of violence. However, We can create a safer world for our children and families. A world where fewer people die from gun violence. the law should not hinder the rights of its citizens however it should address and prioritize the safety and well being of citizens by implementing remedial laws regarding this ongoing tragedy.
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(2019, 04). Eng101 Editorial of Second Amendment. EssaysForStudent.com. Retrieved 04, 2019, from
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"Eng101 Editorial of Second Amendment." EssaysForStudent.com. 04, 2019. Accessed 04, 2019.
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By: victoriao
Submitted: April 23, 2019
Essay Length: 262 Words / 2 Pages
Paper type: Essay Views: 102
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