Beauty of Sorbet Case
THE BEAUTY OF SORBETCASE QUESTIONSPlease upload no more than three pages and use no smaller that 10pointtype. Be thorough yet succinct;be precise. Integrate lessonsfrom the text and lectures.1. What is Sorbet’s brand positioning? How would you describe the brand’s personality? How does Sorbetcommunicate its positioning and personality?(Please consult the refresher on brand positioning on the course website paying particular attention to theinstructions for writing a positioning statement. What is Sorbet’s frame of reference? What is its key claimand is it supported?)Sorbet is an up market chain of branded beauty salons offering get in, get out skin treatments, nailcare, and retail salon products. These salons target females between the ages of 25 and 40 who shop atmore exclusive supermarkets and drive BMWs or similar cars (Sorbet, 6). Sorbet contends that it has thebest atmosphere and overall customer experience in its industry. Also, its staff is expertly trained andgenuinely interested in pleasing customers. To backup Sorbet’s claims of industry supremacy, it has built aculture around customer loyalty. Its driving mantra is, “we want guest loyalty… not guest satisfaction”(Sorbet, 4). Therapists are paid largely on commission and are required to attend up to three trainings eachmonth without commission to maintain industryleadingskills. Sorbet’s loyalty program rewards customerloyalty through benefits both within Sorbet and outside of the company by partnering with select retailerssuch as the Clicks Group. In addition, Sorbet’s bright ice cream colors and bubble murals provide a bright,
inviting atmosphere unlike any other in the industry.A description of Sorbet’s personality would yield the following words: sincere, competent, andconvenient. Sorbet is located in shopping centers where it is convenient for customers to come in for quickservice. Employees at Sorbet are specifically selected based on their genuine and sincere interest inpleasing customers. Also, Sorbet employees are very competent because they are required to completeexpertleadtraining as a new employee as well as continuous monthly training sessions. Sorbetcommunicates its personality and brand positioning through its facility’s bright and colorful physicalevidence, genuine and friendly staff, highendretail products, and generous customer loyalty program.2. What role do employees play in building Sorbet’s brand equity? What did Fuhr do to make sure hisemployees “lived the brand?” AlannaEmployees play a key role in building Sorbet’s brand equity as it is so well known, in large part, dueto it’s high level of customer service and quality of treatments provided by the “citizens”. The customized,